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Discipline: Neuroscience

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- Neuroscience

PLEASE NOTE: Behavioral Neuroscience 10e is available in the Oxford Insight courseware platform. All instructor and student resources are included in ...

- Neuroscience
- Psychology

Clinical Neuroscience informs students of relevant neurobiological foundations of various mental illnesses. In this book, students will begin their jo...

- Student
- Instructor
- Psychology
- Neuroscience

Chun and Most's Cognition addresses the issue of dull, outdated course materials by presenting exciting findings from contemporary cognitive psycholog...

- Student
- Instructor
- Neuroscience

Foundations of Neural Development is a textbook written with a conversational writing style and topics appropriate for an undergraduate audience. Each...

- Student
- Instructor
- Neuroscience

From Neuron to Brain, Sixth Edition, by A. Robert Martin, David A. Brown, Mathew E. Diamond, Antonino Cattaneo, and Francisco Fernández De-Miguel.

- Student
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- Biology and Life Sciences
- Neuroscience

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging was the first textbook to provide a true introduction to fMRI--one that presented material authoritatively and c...

- Student
- Instructor
- Neuroscience

The sixth edition provides an updated, integrated presentation of the study of hormone-behavior-brain interactions. Emphasizing a comparative approach...

- Instructor
- Biology and Life Sciences
- Psychology
- Neuroscience

Looking Inside the Disordered Brain provides students with a working knowledge of our rapidly evolving understanding of the foundational brain circuit...

- Instructor
- Neuroscience

PLEASE NOTE: The Mind's Machine: Foundations of Brain and Behavior 5e is available in the Oxford Insight courseware platform. All instructor and stude...

- Philosophy
- Neuroscience

Ranging across both standard philosophical territory and the landscape of cutting-edge cognitive science, Mindware: An Introduction to the Philosophy ...

- Student
- Instructor
- Neuroscience

Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases is widely acclaimed for bringing a pioneering interactive approach to the teaching of neuroanatomy. The book uses ...

- Student
- Instructor
- Neuroscience

The Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Third Edition, clearly presents the integration of the psychological concepts of learning and memory and the ...

- Biology and Life Sciences
- Neuroscience

Neurons in Action 2 is the second version of a unique software learning tool that combines hyperlinked text with NEURON simulations of laboratory expe...

- Student
- Instructor
- Biology and Life Sciences
- Neuroscience

PLEASE NOTE: Neuroscience 7e is available in the Oxford Insight courseware platform. All instructor and student resources are included in Oxford Insig...

- Instructor
- Biology and Life Sciences
- Neuroscience

Practical Computing for Biologists shows you how to use many freely available computing tools to work more powerfully and effectively. The book was bo...

- Student
- Instructor
- Biology and Life Sciences
- Neuroscience

Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience, introduced in 2008, was written to inform readers at all levels about the growing canon of cognitive neuroscienc...
- Student
- Instructor
- Psychology
- Neuroscience
Unique in its breadth of coverage ranging from historical accounts of drug use to clinical and preclinical behavioral studies, Psychopharmacology is a...

- Student
- Instructor
- Neuroscience

PLEASE NOTE: Sensation & Perception 7e is available in the Oxford Insight courseware platform. All instructor and student resources are included in Ox...

- Student
- Instructor
- Neuroscience
- Biology and Life Sciences

Click here to view a demo from Len White, the creator of Sylvius 4 Online.
Sylvius 4 Online provides a unique web-based learning environment for explo...

- Student
- Instructor
- Biology and Life Sciences
- Neuroscience

Neural systems models are elegant conceptual tools that provide satisfying insight into brain function. The goal of this new book is to make these too...

- Neuroscience

In this website, we outline the main components of the neurologic exam. The goal will be to demonstrate through video segments how each step of the ne...