A Black Man Reports on an Antiwar Race Riot in Detroit
Thomas Buckner and Witnesses
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Welcome to the home of Oxford First Source: US History, a primary source database with hundreds of primary source documents in US history. The documents cover a broad variety of political, economic, social, and cultural topics and represent a cross section of American voices. Special effort was made to include as many previously disenfranchised voices as possible.
The documents are indexed by date, author, title, and subject. Short documents (one or two pages) are presented in their entirety while longer documents have been carefully edited to highlight significant content. Each document is introduced with a short explanatory paragraph and accompanied with study questions.
Expertly edited by Thomas Slopnick of Central Connecticut State University and Peter Sheehy.
Thomas Buckner and Witnesses
George Steevens
Paul Hawkin
Joseph Kirkland
Tammany Hall
Frithjof Meidell
Peter Oliver
Adlai Stevenson
Bartolomé de las Casas
Bartolomé de Las Casas
George Fitzhugh
Thomas S. Grimké
Martin Luther King Jr.
Patrick Henry
Anna E. Dickinson
Jimmy Carter
Abraham Lincoln
Ronald Reagan
Barry Goldwater
Allen D. Candler
Theodore Roosevelt
Lyndon Johnson
John F. Kennedy
Jimmy Carter
Richard Nixon
Jefferson Davis
Alexis de Tocqueville
Samuel F.B. Morse
Benjamin Franklin
Joseph Farley
John Taylor
Elizabeth Sprigs
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
Anne Dudley Bradstreet
Anne Hutchinson
John Quincy Adams
Robert M. Lafollette
David Walker
Robert M. Lafollette
Edward Earle Purinton
Richard McNemar
Earl Warren Supreme Court of the United States
Cabeza de Vaca
Warren Harding
Niles Weekly Register
Robert Lynd and Helen Lynd
Eugene Debs
Charles Dickens
John Marshall
Chief John Ross
Chief Joseph
Walter Rauschenbusch
Winston Churchill
Charles Harvey Brewster
Columbia Strike Coordinating Committee
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Francis N. Thorpe
The Factory Girls
William T. Sherman and James M. Calhoun
Abigail Adams
Thomas Jefferson
David Walker
Davy Crockett
Rufus King and William Pickney
Robert B. Reich
George W. Bush
Gerald Dickey
Alexis de Tocquevulle
Herbert Hoover
Stephen Sestanovich
Dorothea Dix
Roger Taney
Mass Transportation
Jerry Falwell
Horace Greeley
Patrick Henry
Napoleon Jackson Tecumseh Dana
Kwame Nkrumah
Winston Churchill
Henry Kissinger
Jose Enrique de la Pena
Irenee DuPont and The Association Against the Prohibition Amendment
Roger Taney
Pedro Tamaron y Romeral, Bishop of Durango
William Pitt
Stokely Charmichael
William F. Cody
Stephen F. Hale
Joseph Plumb Martin
A.I. DeIrisarri
Louis Kossuth
Thaddeus Stevens
Adolf Hitler
Gomes Eannes de Azurara
Narragansett leaders
Clarence Darrow and William Jennings Bryan
Vice Admirality Court, Boston
Barbados Assembly
Mary Elizabeth Lease
Benjamin Spock and Michael Zimmerman
Anne Royall
Mercy Otis Warren
Lyndon B. Johnson
A. Mitchell Palmer
Frederick Douglass
Bruce Barton
Sam J. Ervin
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Ronald Reagan
Frederick Douglass
Freeman Hunt
Gadsden Steel
Vincent Bigot
George H.W. Bush
George Kennan
George Washington
George Whitefield
Helen M. Todd
U.S. Supreme Court
Cesar Chavez
Robert Graves
United States Congress
Henry Clay Work
Gay Liberation Front
A.T. Mial and Fenner Powell
Eugene Debs
George Creel
Richard Gerstell
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
United States Congress
Edmund Ruffin
John F. Kennedy
George Wallace
Jean de Brebeuf
Robert Lynde and Helen Lynde
Shirley Chisholm
Jacob Riis
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
John F. Kennedy
John Greenleaf Whittier
John Marshall
John O’Sullivan
John Smith
Josiah Strong
Judith Sargent Murray
Lyndon B. Johnson
Terence V. Powderly
Martin Luther King Jr.
John Dickinson
Richard Frethorne
Secretary of War
Karl Marx
Henry Knox
Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
William T. Sherman
Thomas Dudley
Afonso, King of Kongo
Abraham Lincoln
Harriet Hanson Robinson
Lydia Allen Rudd
Margaret Fuller
Mary Rowlandson
Francis Bernard
Joseph McCarthy
Thomas Bluett
Peter Cartwright
Delegates from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode-Island
Fortune Magazine
Martin Luther King Jr.
Georges Clemenceau
Gustave Gilbert
Mercy Warren Otis
Olaudah Equiano
People's Party of America
Josiah Strong
John Dooley
Peter Oliver
Ho Chi Minh (Nguyen Ai Quoc)
David Ross Locke
Phyllis Wheatley
Clinton B. Fisk
William Riordan
David Walker
United States Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization
Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Frederick Winslow Taylor
William Penn
Robin Morgan
Charles Lindbergh
Edmund Burke
Henry Turner
Lorena Hickock
Alexander Hamilton
Andrew Hamilton
Carl Schurz
Alexander Hamilton
Warren Harding
W.E.B. DuBois
Richard Frethorne
James Otis
Juanita Loveless
Samuel Mitchill
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Louisa May Alcott
James H. Hammond
Lyman Beecher
Fitz Hugh Ludlow
George Washington
Slaves in Massachusetts
Doug Bandow
George Fitzhugh
Sojourner Truth
John C. Calhoun
Eugene Debs
Lyndon Johnson
Herbert Hoover
Joseph McCarthy
Jefferson Davis
Adolf Hitler
Abraham Lincoln
Carl Schurz
Thaddeus Stevens
Henry Clay
George W. Bush
Huey Long
James Wilson
Patrick Henry
Bill Clinton
National Organization for Women
John Marshall
Lillie B. Chase Wyman
Charles Sumner
H.H. Remmers & D.H. Radler
Lyndon Johnson
Elias Hill
N.F. Thompson
James Bryce
Thomas Paine
National Conference of Catholic Bishops
Booker T. Washington
Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill
Benjamin Franklin
Sansom Occum
The Nahuas
Malcolm X
A. Mitchell Palmer
Samuel Huntington
Nat Turner
Bernal Diaz del Castillo
William Jennings Bryan
Henry Stimson
John Heckewelder
Benjamin Rush
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
James Madison
Thomas Jefferson
William Lloyd Garrison
Neil Morgan
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
John Smith
Abraham Lincoln
Arthur Koestler
Andrew Carnegie
Norman Angell
Mario Savio
Hunter S. Thompson
Ida Tarbell
Henry W. Bellows
Thomas Jefferson
Granada Capitulations
Hiram Evans
The Lowell Offering
Jimmy Carter
Varian Fry
Upton Sinclair
Mississippi State Legislature
Rosa Parks and E.D. Nixon
United States Government
Langston Hughes
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
Nikolai Novikov
Madison Grant
Norman Vincent Peale
Phyllis Schafley
Frederick Taylor
Betty Friedan
Jane Addams
Pueblo Indians
Robert Calef
Fisher Ames
X (George F. Kennan)
Strom Thurmond and Richard Russell
Vance Packard
Harriet Jacobs
Harry S. Truman
Life Magazine
Mirra Komarovsky
Walter Reuther
Molly Wallace
United States Congress
Francis N. Thorpe
Marian Wright
Robert Reich
Roman Pucinski
Theodore Roosevelt
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson
Walter Colton
Lincoln Steffens
Jane Addams
Two slaves
Kenichi Ohmae
Charles Lawlor
Harriet Beecher Stowe
James G. Thompson
Thomas Jefferson
Jacob Riis
Walt Whitman
Felix Grundy
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson
George Washington
Woodrow Wilson
Walter Cronkite
George Gilder
Samuel Gompers
Richard Nixon
William Graham Sumner
Stokeley Carmichael
Norman Thomas
Richard Nixon and H.R. Haldeman
Wade Huntley
A. Philip Randolph
William Hawkins
William Penn
Polly Crow
Frances Anne Kemble
Ladies' Home Journal
John Winthrop
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Preston
Russell H. Conwell
John Hawkes
New York State Legislatures
Alexander Hamilton
Tammany Hall
Job Johnson
Tammany Hall
Kenneth Adelman
William Lloyd Garrison
Clement Vallandigham
Charles Sumner
John O’Sullivan
William G. Shepherd
Major Paul Kelly
Frederick Douglass
Sargent Shriver
Christopher Columbus
James A. Williamson
Ida B. Wells
Nathaniel Bacon
James Lockhart
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Benjamin Franklin
Henry David Thoreau
Walt Whitman
Abigail Adams
Jonathan Edwards
Nathan Cole
Solomon D. Trujillo
Henry George
Booker T. Washington
Julia Ward Howe
Frederic Law Olmsted
William J. Clinton
Frederick Douglass
Emma Lazarus
J. Frederick Essary
Fisher Ames
De Bow’s
John Mason
Salmon P. Chase
James Madison
J. Hector St. John de Crévecoeur
Frederick Douglass
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