American Horizons 5e Oxford Learning Link Course Package
An interoperable course package is available for this title which contains student and instructor resources for integration into your learning management system (LMS). It is designed to work in Blackboard, Canvas, Desire2Learn/Brightspace, and Moodle versions 3.0.10 and higher.
Note that in order to view and use these resources, your students will be required to redeem an access code.
If instead you are looking only for the instructor resources which accompany your text (e.g., PowerPoints, test banks, etc.), please use the navigation buttons on the left side of your screen to find and download those resources. You may then use your LMS’s import tools to integrate them into your course.
Students will not be able to access instructor resources.
Instructors, if you already have access to this content please log in to your account. To request access please visit the instructor registration page.