Oxford Insight Instructor Support


A major new version of Oxford Insight was released on July 15, 2024. For the most up-to-date information on using the new version of Oxford Insight, please visit our Oxford Insight Updates page.

The topics on this page will be updated and moved to the new site shortly.

Oxford Insight Update, July 2024 – Note Regarding Browser Cache

The Oxford Insight update released July 15, 2024, involved all areas of the Insight interface, and as such, it may require you to clear your browser’s cache in order to see all the new elements properly. Please follow the instructions below for your browser to clear your cache.

Please contact our support team if you encounter any problems.

Chrome Desktop

  1. Click the main menu in the upper-right corner (the three dots icon).
  2. Select “Clear browsing data.”
  3. Check the “Cached images and files” checkbox.
  4. Click “Clear data.”
  5. Close all Chrome tabs and windows, so that Chrome closes completely.
  6. Restart Chrome.
  7. Log into Oxford Insight.
  8. Hold the Shift key and click the browser’s Reload button to perform a hard reload.

Chrome Mobile App

  1. Tap the main menu in the lower-right (three dots icon).
  2. Tap “Delete browsing data.”
  3. Select “Cached images and Files.”
  4. Tap “Delete Browsing Data” and confirm.
  5. Close all tabs.
  6. Close the Chrome app.
  7. Re-open the app.
  8. Log into Oxford Insight.
  9. Tap the reload button.

Safari Desktop

  1. Click on the Safari menu and select Preferences.
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. Select the “Show Develop menu in menu bar” checkbox.
  4. Close the Preferences window.
  5. Click the Develop menu and select Empty Cache.
  6. Close all Safari tabs and windows, so that Safari closes completely.
  7. Restart Safari.
  8. Log into Oxford Insight.
  9. Hold the Shift key and click the Reload button to perform a hard reload.

Safari Mobile App

  1. Close all Safari tabs and windows.
  2. Close the Safari app.
  3. Go to Settings.
  4. Go to Safari > Advanced > Website Data.
  5. Tap “Remove All Website Data.”
  6. Open Safari.
  7. Log into Oxford Insight.
  8. Tap the reload button.

Firefox Desktop

  1. Click the main menu in the upper-right corner (the three lines icon).
  2. Select “History.”
  3. Select “Clear recent history…”
  4. Check the “Temporary cached files and pages” checkbox.
  5. Click “Clear.”
  6. Close all Firefox tabs and windows, so that Firefox closes completely.
  7. Restart Firefox.
  8. Log into Oxford Insight.
  9. Hold the Shift key and click the Reload button to perform a hard reload.

Edge Desktop

  1. Click the main menu in the upper-right corner (the three dots icon).
  2. Select “History.”
  3. Click the Trashcan/Delete browsing data button.
  4. Check the “Cached images and files” checkbox.
  5. Click “Clear now.”
  6. Close all Edge tabs and windows, so that Edge closes completely.
  7. Restart Edge.
  8. Log into Oxford Insight.
  9. Hold the Shift key and click the Refresh button to perform a hard reload.


Setting Up Your Course

Download Welcome to Oxford Insight for a step-by-step guide to accessing and setting up your course.

When preparing for the next term, you can choose to either make a copy of your existing course or request a new course from OUP. When copying an existing course, the new course will be identical to the previous course (all added content and customizations are retained), but no students will be enrolled. If you request a new course, any content you created will still be available to you in the content library and may be imported into the new course.

To make a copy of your existing course, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your My Courses page in Oxford Insight.
  2. Either log in via the Oxford Insight login page or, from within an Insight course, click the My Account button in the top-right corner, and select My Courses.
  3. Click the Update switch in the top-right corner of the My Courses page to enter edit mode.
  4. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the My Courses page.
  5. Locate the course you wish to copy on your My Courses page and click the “Duplicate” on that course.
  6. Rename the new course as appropriate (e.g., change “Fall 2024” to “Spring 2025”).
  7. Click the Update button again to leave edit mode.

To request a new course, contact your OUP representative or contact our HE Onboarding staff.

Managing Assignments

Each Oxford Insight title includes a variety of assessment types. Some of these are similar across titles and disciplines (such as end-of-section self-assessments and end-of-chapter quizzes) and some are unique to the title you are using.

For a list of all the types of assessments available in your Oxford Insight course, please go to the chapter titled "Instructor Overview" on your course home page, and see the page titled "Resources for [title]." This page lists each assessment type along with the main settings used (such as graded or not). All of the settings for any assessment can be customized by each instructor.

There are three ways that you can allow and accept late submissions for graded assessments.

Method 1: Set an automatic late work policy on your assessments.

  1. Go to the Activity Settings page (at the bottom of the main menu in the upper-left corner of the page).
  2. Filter the list to find the assessment(s) for which you want to set a late work policy.
  3. To edit an individual assessment, click the Edit button (pencil icon) to the left of the assessment title. To edit multiple assessments at once, select the assessments you wish to edit using the checkboxes on the left side of the page, then click the “Batch Settings” button.
  4. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the Activity Settings page.
  5. In the settings window, under “Auto-Accept Late Work,” enter the settings you wish to use for accepting late work (the amount to be deducted per time period):
  6. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the assessment settings window.
  7. If you wish to set a specific date beyond which students will no longer be able to take the assessment(s), enter that date in the Close Date and Time field. (If you leave this field blank, students will be able to submit attempts on the assessment(s) at any time.)
  8. Click “Save Changes.”

Method 2: Accept late work that has already been submitted.

(This applies if you have not already set an automatic late work policy as described above.)

  1. Go to the Gradebook (at the bottom of the main menu in the upper-left corner of the page).
  2. On the “Actions” menu at the top of the page, select “Accept Late Work”:
  3. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the Actions menu in the Gradebook.
  4. In the subsequent window, choose either a specific student from the Student menu or a specific assignment from the Assessment menu:
  5. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the Accept Late Work window.
  6. Click “Select.”
  7. You will then see either a list of all late work from the selected student, or a list of all late submissions for the selected assessment:
  8. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the Accept Late Work window.
  9. In either case, select the entries you would like to accept, then click “Yes.”

Method 3: Set an exception for an individual student, on an individual assignment.

  1. Go to the Gradebook (at the bottom of the main menu in the upper-left corner of the page).
  2. Click the student’s score for the relevant assessment. (You may need to expand the relevant chapter first, if you are viewing the gradebook rolled up by chapter.) If no attempts have yet been submitted for the assessment, click the placeholder where the score would be (the dash).
  3. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the Gradebook.
  4. In the subsequent window, click “Review/Change Overrides,” then enter the revised due date for that student (along with any other exceptions you would like to set, such as number of attempts allowed):
  5. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the Review/Change Overrides window.
  6. Click “Save.”

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT EDITING ASSESSMENTS: When editing assessments, it is important to keep in mind the status of the assessment in your course. If your course has already started, the assessment is graded, and students have already submitted attempts, please use extreme caution when deciding to edit the assessment or any of the items it contains. Re-grading edited assessments for which some students have already submitted attempts can be complex and lead to confusion. For example, if a student takes a quiz with ten questions, and you then remove a question, they will have an attempt submitted that was scored out of ten points, but the assessment will now only be worth nine points in the gradebook. This can lead to unexpected scores that you will then need to correct manually.

All of the assessments in an Oxford Insight course can be edited and customized by each individual instructor. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the page that contains the assessment you wish to edit.
  2. Switch to Authoring Mode via the View button (eye icon) in the top toolbar.
  3. Assessments may be located on a simple page, or they may be nested in a page that contains multiple sub-pages, with navigation tabs on the left side of the page.
    1. To edit an assessment on a simple page, move your cursor over the assessment and a set of buttons will appear. Click the Edit button:
    2. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an assessment page.
    3. To edit an assessment on a page with sub-pages, using the tabbed layout, move your cursor over the page and a set of buttons will appear. Click the Edit button:
      A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an assessment page within a sub-page.
      Then click the title of the assessment in the left-hand set of tabs to select it, move your cursor over the assessment, and asset of buttons will appear as before. Click the Edit button:
    4. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an assessment page within a sub-page.
  4. After you click the Edit button on the assessment, you will see the assessment editor view:
  5. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the assessment editor view.
  6. From this view, you can do the following:
    1. Click “Edit Component” to edit the settings for the assessment. (These same settings are available via the Activity Settings page.)
    2. Click “Add New Item” to create a new question and add it to the assessment.
    3. Click “Add Existing Item” to add a question from the question bank to the assessment. (This is how you would add a question from the OUP-provided test bank, for instance.)
    4. Click the remove button (trashcan icon) to remove a question from the assessment. (Questions removed from an assessment are not deleted—they are still available in the question bank.)
    5. Click and drag a question via the three dots icon on the left to move it to a different location in the question list.
    6. Click the edit button (pencil icon) to edit a question.
  7. When you are done with your edits to the assessment, click the “Save” button.

To learn more about editing the items within an assessment, please see “How do I edit an item in an assessment?”

IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT EDITING ASSESSMENT ITEMS: When editing assessments, it is important to keep in mind the status of the assessment in your course. If your course has already started, the assessment is graded, and students have already submitted attempts, please use extreme caution when deciding to edit the assessment or any of the items it contains. Re-grading edited assessments for which some students have already submitted attempts can be complex and lead to confusion. For example, if a student takes a quiz with ten questions, and you then remove a question, they will have an attempt submitted that was scored out of ten points, but the assessment will now only be worth nine points in the gradebook. This can lead to unexpected scores that you will then need to correct manually.

This tutorial starts from the assessment editor view. To learn how to get into edit view, see “How do I edit an assessment?”

To edit a question in an existing assessment, follow these steps:

  1. After you click the Edit button on the assessment, you will see the assessment editor view:
  2. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the assessment editor.
  3. Click the edit button (pencil icon) on the question you wish to edit.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you click the edit button on an OUP-provided item, the system will automatically make a copy of that item for you to edit. The original item will still be available in the question bank, and you will now be viewing your own version of the item. You can see this by looking at the item title in the “Reference” field. In the example shown here, the original title is “AM-2e_Chapter-Quiz_6-3_MC.” After clicking the edit button, the title now shows as “AM-2e_Chapter-Quiz_6-3_MC [1704490500147]” in the item editor. The number added to the end of the title is a unique identifier. You can change the title to anything else you wish, as long as it is unique.

  1. You will then see the item editor:
  2. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the item editor.
  3. In this view, you can edit the learning objectives associated with the item, rename the item (the “Reference” field), and change some basic settings for the item.
  4. Items in Oxford Insight can contain more than one question, although in most cases, the OUP-provided items will each contain one question. You can add additional questions to the item by clicking the add question button (large plus sign icon).

IMPORTANT: If you have made changes and you wish to exit the item editor, be sure to click “Save” on the item before you click “Done” to return to the assessment.

  1. To edit the text of the existing question, click the edit button (pencil icon) on the right side of the question.
  2. You will then see the question editor:
  3. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the question editor.
  4. Within the question editor, you can edit text in any of the fields (stem, answer choices, feedback, etc.), add or change a correct answer, and change many settings.
  5. Click “More options” at the bottom of the page to reveal additional settings:
  6. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the item editor.
  7. When you have finished your edits, click “Save” at the top of the question.
  8. Click “Done” to return to the assessment.

IMPORTANT: You must click “Save” before you click “Done,” or your edits will be lost.

The Activity Settings page gives you quick access to the settings for every assessment and page in the course, and it features a powerful batch settings mode that allows you to configure multiple assessments at once.

If you wish to set an assessment to allow students to review their attempts after they have submitted, follow the steps below.

Note: To see the default settings for all of the OUP-provided assessments, go to the chapter titled "Instructor Overview" on your course home page, and see the page titled "Resources for [title]."

One of the options you have is whether to allow students to review the attempts they have submitted.

  1. Go to the Activity Settings page (available from the main menu in the upper-left corner of the Insight window).
  2. Filter the list to find the assessment(s) you wish to edit.
  3. Then, either:
    1. Click the edit button (pencil icon) next to the assessment you wish to edit


    1. Select multiple assessments via the checkboxes and click “Batch Settings.”
  4. In the assessment settings window, find the area titled “Allow Review of Submissions and Set Correct Answers Display.”
  5. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the
  6. Check the checkbox next to “Allow Review Allow Review of Submissions and Set Correct Answers Display.”
  7. Select an option for when the submissions can be viewed: Upon Submit, Upon Due Date, Upon Close Date, or Upon Max Attempts. (These are mutually exclusive.)
  8. Select either “Do Not Show Correct Answers in Review” or “Show Correct Answers.”
  9. If you select “Show Correct Answers,” then also select when the correct answers will be shown: Upon Submit, After Due Date, After Close Date, or After Max Attempts. (These are mutually exclusive.)
  10. When you have finished making your selections, click “Save Changes.”

For a detailed overview of all the options in the assessment settings window, see “What settings are available for assessments?”

Assessments in Oxford Insight can be configured in many ways, allowing you to customize the how your assessments are delivered to your students. The following is a detailed overview of all the various options available in the assessment settings window.

Note: To see the default settings for all of the OUP-provided assessments, go to the chapter titled “Instructor Overview” on your course home page, and see the page titled “Resources for [title].”

To access the assessment settings window, either:

  1. Go to an assessment page and, using Authoring Mode, click “Edit” on the assessment, then click the Edit Component tab.


  1. Go to the Activity Settings page (available from the main menu in the upper-left corner of the Insight window), then:
    1. Filter the list to find the assessment(s) you wish to edit.
    2. Then, either:
      • Click the edit button (pencil icon) next to the assessment you wish to edit.


      • Select multiple assessments via the checkboxes and click “Batch Settings.”

The Assessment Settings Window

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the assessment settings window.

Explanation of Settings

  • Graded: Determines whether scores for the assessment will be recorded in the Insight gradebook and reported to your LMS gradebook (if integrated).
  • Requires Comment: Applies to Discuss Boards only. Select to require each student to make a post before they can see the posts of others.
  • Shows in Student Gradebook: Applies only to custom gradebook columns added via the “Custom Roll-up” option in the Insight gradebook.
  • Open Date and Time: The date and time that students will first be able to attempt the assessment. (Students will see the assessment listed in the course but will not be able to start it or see its contents.)
    • Do not show until available: Applies to chapters and pages only. Completely hides the chapter or page until the date and time specified.
  • Due Date and Time: The date and time by which the assessment must be submitted in order to receive full credit.
  • Close Date and Time: The date and time that students will no longer be able to submit new attempts for the assessment.

Note: All dates must be entered in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY. All times must be entered in 24-hour format, as follows: HH:MM. All dates and times will automatically be displayed to each user in their local time zone.

  • Max Submits: The maximum number of times a student can submit an attempt for this assessment. 0 = unlimited.
  • Reopen Attempts: Typically used only for high stakes attempts. The maximum number of times a student can reopen the assessment (to begin or continue an attempt). -1 = unlimited. Note that if this is set to 0 and a student loses their Internet connection during an attempt, they will not be able to reopen the assessment.
  • Time Limit: A time limit for the assessment, once it is begun.
  • Allow Check Answer Inline During the Assessment: Allows the student to check the answer to each individual question (if the check answer button is enabled on the question) before submitting the assessment.
    • Always: Allows this at any time.
    • After Due Date: Allow only after the due date and time have passed.
  • Do Not Show Correct Answers Inline: Prevents the student from checking the answer to each individual question before submitting the assessment. If the check answer button is enabled on any questions in the assessment question, this option will hide it.
  • Show Correct Answers: When checking an answer inline, show the correct answer in addition to indicating whether the answer the student entered is correct or incorrect.
    • Always: Show at all times.
    • After Due Date: Show only after the due date and time have passed.
  • Allow Review of Submissions and Set Correct Answers Display: Allows the student to review any attempts they have submitted for the assessment.
    • Upon Submit: Allow as soon as the student submits.
    • Upon Due Date: Allow only after the due date and time have passed.
    • Upon Close Date: Allow only after the close date and time have passed.
    • Upon Max Attempts: Allow only after the student has exhausted all allowed attempts.
  • Do Not Show Correct Answers in Review: If Allow Review is enabled, prevents the correct answers from being displayed in review mode.
  • Show Correct Answers: If Allow Review is Enabled, shows the correct answers in review mode, in addition to the answers the student selected.
    • Upon Submit: Show as soon as the student submits.
    • Upon Due Date: Show only after the due date and time have passed.
    • Upon Close Date: Show only after the close date and time have passed.
    • Upon Max Attempts: Show only after the student has exhausted all allowed attempts.
  • Display Scores on Submit: Displays the student’s score as soon as they submit an attempt. If set to No, the score will be displayed when review is allowed, if it is allowed (see above).
  • Shuffle Item Order: Randomizes the order of the questions in the assessment for each student. If set to No, the questions will be displayed in the same order to all students, according to the order specified in the assessment editor.
  • Lock the Back Button: Prevents the student from going back to any previous questions once they have advanced into the assessment.
  • Use Confidence Overlay Question: Enables a simple confidence question at the start of the assessment, as shown below. (The answer to this question is not currently saved or displayed to the instructor. It is solely to encourage student metacognition before beginning the assessment.)
  • A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the assessment confidence question.
  • Auto-Accept late Work: Sets an automatic late work policy for the assessment. Submissions will be accepted up to the Close date and time, if one is set, or at any time if a close date is not set, and scores will automatically be marked down according to the values set in the subsequent fields.
    • Automatically deduct: Sets values for automatic score deduction per time interval, the time interval, and the maximum deduction.
  • Select a Random Subset of Items for Each Assessment Attempt: For each attempt, selects a number of questions (specified) at random from the total set of questions in the assessment. Note: Should only be used when all questions in the assessment have the same point value. (Otherwise, different attempts could have different maximum point values.)
  • Applies to Study Center: Enables reporting to the Study Center for this assessment. If set to No, this assessment will not feed the student’s progress in the Study Center.

Each Oxford Insight course contains a variety of assessment types. All of the questions used in all of these assessments, plus all of the test bank questions, are available for use in instructor-created assessments. The Oxford Insight question bank allows instructors to search and filter all of the available questions based on question title and various tags.

Every question is named using a convention that includes an abbreviation of the book title, the chapter and section number, and the assessment and question type.

For example, the question titled “Cooper_9e_8-1-11_Diag-Quiz_MC” breaks down as follows:

  • “Cooper_9e” = Cooper, The Cell 9e
  • “8-1” = Chapter 8, Section 1
  • “11” = Question number (in the Diagnostic Quiz)
  • “Diag-Quiz” = Diagnostic Quiz
  • “MC” = Multiple choice

Questions are also tagged with a variety of metadata, including the following:

  • Learning Objective (textbook section)
  • Question Type
  • Usage (assessment type)
  • Chapter
  • Sub-Learning Objective (more detailed LO, below the Section level)
  • Bloom’s Level (selected titles)

The tags applied to questions are visible when selecting questions from the question bank. To access the question bank and select questions by tags or title, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the assessment that you wish to edit.
  2. Switch to Authoring Mode via the View button (eye icon) in the top toolbar.
  3. Move your cursor over the assessment and click “Edit.”
  4. Click “Add Existing Item.” The question bank is shown below.
  5. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the question bank.
  6. Filter the list of questions either of these two ways:
  • Enter text in the “Find by reference” field to filter by question title.
  • Click “Find by tags” and start typing the tag you wish to find—matches will pop up for you to select. (For example, type “8.3” to find questions tagged to Learning Objective 8.3, then click the correct tag from the pop-up menu.)
  1. In the list of questions shown, the tags for each question are listed on the right. Click “All tags” to reveal the full set of tags if they are not all visible by default.
  2. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the tags list in the question bank.
  3. Click “Quick view” on any question for a view of the full question.
  4. Use the checkboxes to select the questions you wish to add to your assessment.
  5. Click “Done.”
  6. Click “Save.”

Managing Course Content

If there is any content in the default OUP-provided course (or any content that you have added) that you don’t wish to use, you can either hide that content, or remove it from your course.

Hiding Content

To hide a chapter:

  1. On the course homepage, switch to Authoring Mode via the View button (eye icon) in the top toolbar.
  2. On the chapter you wish to hide, click the “Draft” switch to put the page into Draft mode (it will turn gray).
  3. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the remove content button.
  4. Switch back to Instructor View via the View button.

To hide a page within a chapter:

  1. From the course homepage, click into the relevant chapter.
  2. Switch to Authoring Mode via the View button (eye icon) in the top toolbar.
  3. On the page you wish to hide, click the “Draft” switch to put the page into Draft mode (it will turn gray).
  4. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the remove content button.
  5. Switch back to Instructor View via the View button.

Items in Draft mode are not visible to your students. You can see the student view of your course anytime by switching to Student Mode via the View button.

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the main page with a chapter set to Draft mode (grayed out).

Removing Content

Note: If you do not truly need to remove an item from your course, consider hiding it instead (see above). However, if you do choose to remove an item from your course, note that it will never actually be deleted—it will always be available in the content library if you need to add it back to your course for any reason. See “How do I recover a chapter or page that I removed from my course?” for instructions on how to do this.

To remove a chapter:

  1. On the course homepage, switch to Authoring Mode via the View button (eye icon) in the top toolbar.
  2. On the chapter you wish to hide, click “Remove.”
  3. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the remove content button.
  4. Click “Yes” to confirm.
  5. Switch back to Instructor View via the View button.

To remove a page within a chapter:

  1. From the course homepage, click into the relevant chapter.
  2. Switch to Authoring Mode via the View button (eye icon) in the top toolbar.
  3. On the page you wish to hide, click “Remove.”
  4. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the remove content button.
  5. Click “Yes” to confirm.
  6. Switch back to Instructor View via the View button.

To remove a page within a section (e.g., a page within one of the numbered sections in each chapter):

  1. From the course homepage, click into the relevant chapter.
  2. Click into the relevant section.
  3. Switch to Authoring Mode via the View button (eye icon) in the top toolbar.
  4. Move your cursor over the page and click “Edit.”
  5. In the left-hand list of sub-pages (tabs), move your cursor over the page you wish to remove and click the remove button (trashcan icon).
  6. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the remove content button.
  7. Click “Yes” to confirm.
  8. Click “Save” in the upper-right.
  9. Switch back to Instructor View via the View button.

This topic provides an explanation of the various component types available in Oxford Insight. For general instructions on adding content to your course, please see “How do I add content to my course?”

Every individual piece of content in an Oxford Insight course (a quiz, a video, a page of text, etc.) is contained in an element called a component. A range of different component types are available in Insight that allow the creation of different types of content. Components are the base level of content in a course and are contained within Pages.

An Oxford Insight course is structured in the following hierarchy:

  • Course
    • Chapter: The top-level organizational unit. All course content is contained within chapters.
      • Page: A chapter contains one or more Pages.
        • Component: A Page contains one or more Components that hold the content for that page.

The following component types are available in Oxford Insight.

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the New Component page listing all of the available component types.
  • Text/HTML: A page that can include text, images, links, and embedded media resources. Use this content type to add static content to your course. Example:
  • A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an example of the Text/HTML component.
  • Image or File: An uploaded image or file. Use this content type to post files or images to your course. Example:
  • A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an example of the Image or File component.
  • Web Resource: An embedded resource from another site. Use this component type to add an online resource to your course, such as a YouTube video. Example:
  • A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an example of the Web Resource component.
  • Assessment: An assessment is a collection of question items. These can be used for traditional assessment types such as quizzes and tests, or for activities, exercises, etc. Assessments can include static content in addition to questions. For example, an assessment can include a “passage” element that includes text, images, and/or video to which the questions can refer. Any assessment can be assigned for a grade or used for self-study by your students. For details on the various assessment settings and how to create and edit assessments, see the topics under “Managing Assessments.” Example:
  • A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an example of the Assessment component.
  • Video Quiz: The video quiz component allows the pairing of questions (or other content) with a video such that the questions are displayed at specific points in the video. This component type is useful for “pause-and-reflect” type activities and comprehension check questions that can help ensure that students are following the material presented in the video, in real time. The component is built by uploading a video, adding questions (or passages that can contain other types of content), and indicating the exact time in the video that each question should appear. Example:
  • A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an example of the Video Quiz component.
  • Branching Quiz: The branching quiz component is used to build assessments that present different content based on correct or incorrect answer to each question. For example, if the student answers a question correctly, they receive the next question in the main progression of the assessment. But if they answer that same question incorrectly, they branch off to receive a different follow-up question and/or content item to help them learn the relevant topic, then come back to the main series of questions. Branching quizzes are built by adding a set of questions and then setting the progression for each—where the student goes for each correct and incorrect answer. Example:
  • A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an example of the Branching Quiz component.
  • Discussions: The discussions component is used for discussions on topics presented by the instructor. The topic/prompt can include text, images, and/or video. Students post comments in response to the topic/prompt. Instructors can see and moderate all posts and can choose to assign the discussion topic and grade student posts. Example:
  • A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an example of the Discussions component.
  • E-Reader: This component type is not available for use by Oxford Insight adopters. The title-specific e-book for each Insight course is already loaded into all the chapters and sections of the course. If you wish to move or copy a section of the e-book to a different part of the course, you can do so without needing to use the E-Reader component. See the topics under “Managing Course Content” for help with adding or moving content.
  • Advanced Tabs: This component allows the combination of multiple pages and components into a single page, with a tabbed layout. Tabs can be located either on the side or the top of the content area. Example:
  • A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an example of the Advanced Tabs component.
  • Flashcards: Using the flashcards component, instructors can easily create a set of flashcards for review of important terminology. Flashcards are created either by manual entry or by uploading a simple CSV file created in a program such as Excel. Example:
  • A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing an example of the Flashcards component.

To recover a chapter that you have removed from your course:

  1. On the course homepage, click the View tool (eyeball icon) in the top toolbar, and switch to Authoring Mode.
  2. Click the blue and white plus icon at the top of the chapter list to add a new chapter.
  3. Under “Chapter Library,” enter some portion of the name of the chapter you removed (for example, “Chapter 4”), then click “Search.”
  4. In the search results list, select the chapter, then click “Add Chapter.” (This will add the chapter to the bottom of the course TOC.)
  5. Click “Reorder,” drag the chapter to the desired location in the TOC, then click “Done.”

To recover a page within a chapter (such as a section) that you have removed from your course:

  1. Click into the appropriate chapter (where the content is now missing), then click the View tool (eyeball icon) in the top toolbar, and switch to Authoring Mode.
  2. Click the blue and white plus icon at the top of the chapter contents to add a new page.
  3. Under “Page Library,” enter some portion of the name of the page you removed (for example, “Section 4.1”), then click “Search.”
  4. In the search results list, select the page, then click “Add Page.” (This will add the page to the bottom of the chapter TOC.)
  5. If necessary, click “Reorder,” drag the page to the desired location in the chapter TOC, then click “Done.”

To recover a sub-page within a section (such as a video or self-assessment) that you have removed from your course:

  1. Click into the appropriate page (where the content is now missing), then click the View tool (eyeball icon) in the top toolbar, and switch to Authoring Mode.
  2. Move the cursor over the body of the page, then click the “Edit” button that appears.
  3. Click “Add Item” at the bottom of the list of tabs on the left.
  4. Enter a title for the new item (for example, “Video 4.1”).
  5. Click “Add component.”
  6. Under “Component Library,” enter some portion of the name of the item you removed (for example “Video 4.1”), then click “Search.”
  7. In the search results list, select the item, then click “Add Component.”
  8. If necessary, click “Reorder Tabs” and drag the new item to the desired location in the tab menu.
  9. Click “Save” at the top of the page.

Tracking Student Progress

The Insights Center features a number of reports that help you quickly gauge your students’ mastery of course material and their overall level of engagement with the course.

The Study Center in Oxford Insight is a student tool for tracking progress through the course and for identifying content areas in which the student needs to do more work in order to master the material. The student can access the Study Center at any time via the Study Center button (graduation cap icon) in the top toolbar. The student will also see Study Center prompts as they work through course content (e.g., when they complete assessments).


  • The Study Center is driven by the Score Cut Off value. In the default course provided by OUP, this value is set at 70%. Instructors can change this value on the Course Settings page, which is accessible via the gear icon on the course home page (when in Authoring Mode), or via a link at the top of the Insights Center.
  • The Study Center only considers scores from those assessments that are set as “Applies to Study Center” in the Assessment Settings window.

The Study Center includes three main areas:

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the study center.
  • Requires Review: If a student has attempted assessments within a section and their average score on those assessments is below the score cut off value, the section will be listed here.
  • Proficient: If a student has attempted assessments within a section and their average score on those assessments is at or above the score cut off value, the section will be listed here.
  • Marked as Complete: The student has the option to manually mark any section as complete. Those sections will be listed here.

In addition, all sections that have not yet been attempted are listed at the bottom.

The student can click any section listed in the Study Center and a “Quick Check” button will appear. This button allows the student to manually mark the section as complete if they wish to do so. Also, if the Oxford Insight title includes this feature, they will have the option to take a brief quiz on the topic, to demonstrate proficiency.

When a student completes an assessment, if their score is below the score cut off value, they will see a prompt as shown below, informing them that the sections related to that assessment need review, and those sections will be added to the “Requires Review” area of the Study Center.

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the assessment-specific Requires Review study center prompt.

When a student completes an assessment, if their score is at or above the score cut off value, they will see a prompt as shown below, informing them that they have met the proficiency criteria for that section, and that section will be added to the “Proficient” area of the Study Center.

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the Proficient study center prompt.

When a student returns to a section in which they have completed some or all assessments, and their average score on those assessments is below the score cut off value, they will see a prompt as shown below, informing them that the section needs review.

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the section-wide Requires Review study center prompt.

Note: Students can opt to disable these Study Center messages at any time, via the On/Off button at the bottom of each message.

Managing the Gradebook and Roster

To remove (un-enroll) a student from your Insight course, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Gradebook (available via the main menu in the upper-left corner of the Insight window).
  2. In the list of students, click the checkbox next to the relevant student’s name.
  3. Click the “Unenroll Selected” button.
  4. A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the gradebook and the
  5. Click “Yes” to confirm.

Communicating with Course Members

There are two ways that instructors can communicate with their students (and other instructors) from within Oxford Insight: The Message center, and email links in the Gradebook and Insights Center.

Using the Message Center

Oxford Insight features a built-in messaging feature that instructors can use to communicate with their students or other instructors in the course. Messages sent via this feature stay within Oxford Insight—they are not delivered to users’ email addresses.

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the roster list in the message center.

The Message center is available via the Messages button (balloon icon) in the top toolbar. When open, the message center shows the course roster—all students and instructors in the course. You can:

  • Click a name in the list to compose a new message to that person or to see past messages with that person.
  • Click “Message to All Students” to compose a new message to all students or to see past messages to all students.
  • Click “Announcements” to see any announcements from the Oxford Insight system.
A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the messages list in the messages center.

Emailing Students from Within Oxford Insight

There are several places within Oxford Insight from which instructors can email students, either individually or in groups. Emails are sent via the instructor’s email client. These links will open a new message in the instructor’s default mail program. All handling of these messages and replies to them are managed outside of Oxford Insight.

In the Gradebook, select any number of students via the checkboxes next to their names, or select all students via the checkbox at the top of the list of names, then click the “Email Selected” button. (Messages sent to more than one person from the Gradebook will include all email addresses in the To field. If you wish the list of addresses to be hidden from recipients, move them into your email’s BCC field.)

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the email button in the gradebook.

In the Insights Center, click the Learning Gauge to open the Learning Gauge detail window. In this window, click any student’s email address to compose an email to that student:

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the email links in the learning gauge detail window.

Also in the Insights Center, click the Engagement Gauge to open the Engagement Gauge detail window. In this window, click any student’s email address to compose an email to that student. Or click the email link next to one of the three groups (Struggling, Disengaged, On Track) to compose an email to everyone in that group. (Emails sent to these groups use BCC, so that students will not see the list of email addresses.)

A screenshot of the Oxford Insight interface, showing the email links in the engagement gauge detail window.

Getting Help

MacOS and iOS have a default privacy setting that may prevent some embedded resources in Oxford Insight courses (such as videos) from loading properly in your browser. To fix this problem, follow these steps:

On MacOS:

  1. Open Safari if it is not already open.
  2. On the Safari menu, select Preferences.
  3. Select Privacy.
  4. Disable “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking.”
  5. Re-load the page that was having the problem.

On iOS:

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Select Safari.
  3. Scroll down to Privacy & Security.
  4. Disable “Prevent Cross-Site Tracking.”
  5. Re-load the page that was having the problem.

Note: New iOS version updates may reset this setting to the On position, so you may need to turn it off again after an update.

Contact Form

Please provide your name.
Please provide a valid email.
Please provide your concern.

Oxford Insight Support

Please use this form to submit a support request to our technical support team.

Our support team will reply to you within 48 hours. (However, we are typically able to respond the same day.)

Our hours of operation are as follows (all times U.S. Eastern Time):

  • Monday to Friday between 9:00 a.m and 11:00 p.m.
  • Saturday Between 11:30 a.m. and 8:00 p.m
  • Sunday Between 11:30 a.m. and 11:00 p.m

Submitting Comments and Reporting Errors to OUP

If you have a comment related to the content or functionality of your Oxford Insight course, or you wish to report an error, please email us at insight.support@oup.com. In your message, please include as much detail as you can, including the title you are using, the relevant chapter and section, the relevant question number (if this is concerning an assessment), and anything else that will help us identify the relevant content.

We thank you in advance for taking the time to contact us.

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