Staggenborg, Ramos, Social Movements 4e

  • Sociology


Social Movements, fourth edition, offers a brief yet comprehensive introduction to the field of social movements with a distinct Canadian perspective, covering Canadian social movements throughout with up-to-date data and case studies. Key issues are explored in the context of current and past social movements and counter-movements within Canada and around the world, showing how these movements originate, mobilize participants, and bring about social change. Chapters on the women's, Indigenous, LGBTQ, environmental, and global justice movements explore how these groups maximized their resources to attract followers and further their goals. The fourth edition has been updated to feature coverage of the numerous recent social movements which continue to shape our world, including #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, youth-led environmental movements and right-wing counter movements; it also explores the effect of COVID-19 on social movements. The newly updated chapter “The Protest Cycle of the 1960s and Beyond” connects past and present by exploring how the cluster of protest movements that arose in many countries in the 1960s and the strategies and changes implemented then continue to influence collective action in the 21st century.

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