Resources to accompany Borkowski's Law of Succession
Correction notice: Please note that the new to edition points printed in the current edition of Borkowski’s Law of Succession are incorrect and pertain to the third edition. The new to edition points for the current edition include:
- Analysis of new cases including Payne v Payne on witnessing, Legg v Burton on mutual wills and Hand v George on construction
- The newly restructured chapter, Family provision, covers Ilott v The Blue Cross and the subsequent case law, an expanded treatment of inheritance tax and discussion of the Law Commission’s provisional proposals on the law of wills
- Incorporation of legislative developments including the Civil Partnerships, Marriages and Deaths (Registration etc) Act 2019
- Discussion of the Law Commission’s provisional proposals on the law of wills
- Chapter glossaries and more diagrams offer further explanation of key content and processes
- Discussion of the Law Commission’s provisional proposals on the law of wills
- Engagement with the latest succession law scholarship