Rogers, Bottge, Haefeli, Writing in Music: A Brief Guide Student Resources

Welcome to the companion website for Writing in Music: A Brief Guide by Lynne Rogers, Karen M. Bottge, and Sara Haefeli. This companion website provides supplementary material for selected chapters, including additional examples, strategies for working with sources, advice for writing effectively, and model music source citations.
In Chapter 4 of Writing in Music we offer guidance on how to locate, evaluate, organize, read, and summarize academic sources. In this companion website, we provide additional tips for using publication information to evaluate a source, evaluating a source's accuracy, special considerations in evaluating online sources, and locating online resources.
In Chapter 9 of Writing in Music we offer guidance on creating a form diagram that offers an overview of a musical work's structure and content. The form diagrams shown in Chapter 9 refer to musical scores and indicate the span of each section with measure numbers. In this companion website, we offer figure 9.1, a form diagram that refers to a recording and specifies the boundaries of sections with timestamps ("timing").
In Chapter 11 of Writing in Music we offer models of source citations using The Chicago Manual of Style's "notes and bibliography" system. In this companion website, we offer additional model source citations for print, sound, and online materials, also using the notes and bibliography system. In addition, at the end of this supplementary material for Chapter 11, we provide a brief explanation of The Chicago Manual of Style's "author-date" system of citation (pp. 20-22).
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