Chapter 1 PowerPoint Slides
The Study of Global Political Economy, John Ravenhill
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Instructor resources to accompany Global Political Economy
The Study of Global Political Economy, John Ravenhill
The Historical Roots of Theoretical Traditions in Global Political Economy, Matthew Watson
Cooperation and Conflict in the Global Political Economy, Cédric Dupont and Vinod Aggarwal
The Domestic Sources of Foreign Economic Policies, Michael J Hiscox
The Evolution of the Global Trade Regime, Ann Capling and Silke Trommer
Regional Trade Agreements, John Ravenhill
The Globalization of Production, Eric Thun
The Evolution of the International Monetary and Financial System, Eric Helleiner
The Political Economy of Global Financial Crises, Louis W Pauly
The Logics of Economic Globalization, Anthony McGrew
Globalization and its Impact on States, Colin Hay
Growth, Inequality and Poverty, Robert Hunter Wade
The Political Economy of Development, Nicola Phillips
The Political Economy of the Environment, Peter Dauvergne
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