This title has been replaced by Of The People 5e, and its resources will no longer be available after 28 Mar 2026
This title has been replaced by Of The People 5e, and its resources will no longer be available after 28 Mar 2026
Student Resources for Oakes/McGerr, Of the People 4e
Indian Battles and Railroad Lines
Rich in Resources
Global Migration, 1840-1900
World Colonial Empires, 1900
Woman Suffrage Around the World
European Political Boundaries After World War I
Automobile Roads, 1907 and 1920
The Dimensions of the Dust Bowl in the 1930s
Map of the Pacific Theater of War (World War II)
The Deceptive Complexity of Proxy War
Defense and Mobility
Freedom Riders
Divided Vietnam
Reagan-Era Military Interventions
After the Fall: Russia and Eastern Europe Since 1991
War in Iraq and Afghanistan Since 2003
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