Neusius, Gross, Seeking Our Past 2e

  • Anthropology


Seeking Our Past: An Introduction to North American Archaeology offers an up-to-date and engaging introduction to North America's past that also illustrates contemporary archaeological practice. The authors include examples from both North American prehistory and history--drawn from academic archaeology and Cultural Resource Management (CRM)--in order to provide a broad overview of how the continent was settled, what archaeologists have learned about life across the North American culture areas, and how current archaeologists research our past. Chapters are enhanced by case studies written especially for this book by the original researchers. Through these case studies readers gain familiarity with particular projects and insight into what archaeologists actually do. In addition, the authors cover such important ethical issues as respecting and working with descendant populations and the need for archaeological stewardship. They also provide valuable information about contemporary practice and careers in archaeology.

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