Quiz Content

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. What kind of actions breach the prohibition on discrimination contained in Article 45 TFEU and Regulation 492/2011? (Please select all that apply)

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. The right of establishment covers all measures which permit or even merely _____________to another Member State and the pursuit of an economic activity in that State.

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. What are the limits on requiring proficiency in a language before employment or being allowed to offer a service? Please select all that apply.

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. What are the terms of the "public service" exception of Article 45(4) TFEU?

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. Indirect discrimination in the free movement of persons and services can be objectively justified.

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. Discrimination does not include merely showing that a measure is more likely to affect migrants.

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. The problems Keck and its "certain selling arrangements" were trying to solve in the free movement of goods are paralleled in the free movement of persons and services by Graf and a test of___________ to the labour market.

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. What is excluded from the Services Directive? Please select all that apply.

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. Setting up a company in one Member State and then exercising the right to set up a secondary establishment is not ___________of the right of establishment, even though it may have the effect of circumventing incorporation requirements in the host Member State.

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