Quiz Content

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. Whose actions do Articles 34-35 TFEU catch: [Please select all that apply]

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. Articles 34-35 TFEU have horizontal direct effect.

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. Articles 34-35 TFEU prohibit measures which amount to quantitative restrictions on imports and exports or goods in transit, and measures having ______________.

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. If the UK introduced a ban on Sunday trading in England and Wales would this rule withstand the scrutiny of Articles 34-35 TFEU?

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. The rule of reason in Cassis de Dijon applies to distinctly applicable measures having equivalent effect to quantitative restrictions

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. Is a German law laying down minimum alcohol level of 25 per cent for certain spirits, likely to be in breach of Article 34 TFEU?

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. The Court in Cassis established the principle of _____________.

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. In Keck and Mithouard The CJ drew a distinction between rules which lay down 'requirements to be met' by goods, and rules relating to 'selling arrangements'. How will this distinction affect the extent of the Dassonville formula? [Please select all that apply]

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. In Leclerc-Siplec (case C-412/93) the CJ has substituted the Keck distinction between 'requirements to be met' by goods, and rules relating to 'selling arrangements', by a de minimis rule, which examines the impact of the rules on inter-Union trade.

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. All the principles relating to imports under Article 34 TFEU will also apply to ________ under Article 35 TFEU.

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. It is within the competence of the Member States to regulate monopolies in their jurisdictions in whatever way they see fit.

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. What are the components of the proportionality test?

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. Discrimination in a measure may be saved by the public morality objective in Article 36 TFEU only if is neither __________ nor a disguised restriction on trade between Member States.

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. The justification of public policy includes:

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. A Latvian policy which requires importers of petrol to buy at least 35 per cent of their requirements from a State owned oil refinery is in breach of Article 34 TFEU.

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. It is for the Member States, to the extent permitted by the treaty, to decide on the _______of protection for public health and on the way in which it is to be achieved.

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