Quiz Content

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. The Union may be liable in tort for both wrongful acts on the part of one of its institutions, and on the part of its _______.

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. What are the basic elements of non-contractual liability? [Please select all that apply]

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. CSC Ltd, which is in the currency exchange business, suffered financial losses as a result of the introduction of the single currency, which was introduced under primary legislation as the final phase for the completion of the monetary union. [Please select all that apply]

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. In accordance with the unity principle, liability in damages for unlawful legislative acts or wrongful failure to Act of the EU institutions exists as a separate remedy under 340(2) from the remedies under Article 263 and 265 for judicial review.

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. The CJ in Bergaderm (case C-352/98) has extended the Brasserie du Pêcheur criteria (within the context of State Liability) to the liability of the Union institutions under Article 340 TFEU. What are the criteria? [Please select all that apply]

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. Article 340 TFEU only allows for specific, actual, certain and concrete damages. Claimants are not entitled to recover for ___________.

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. In 'concurrent liability', in deciding whether an action should be brought before a national court or before the European Union Courts:

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. Following Bergaderm, it seems less relevant whether the measure complained of is of general or individual application.

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