Quiz Content

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. The classification of a judicial body under domestic law is not relevant to whether that body is a court or tribunal for the purposes of EU law.

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. An arbitration tribunal is within the meaning of 'court or tribunal'.

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. The only limit on calling the validity of EU measures into question in a national court is that a national court cannot declare EU measures ________.

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. Which of the following statements does not describe the true effect of Article 267 TFEU?

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. What are the reasons why the CJ might reject a reference? [Select all that apply]

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. The CJ decision in Lyckeshog (case C-99/00) is important because:

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. Article 267(3) is not mandatory where a decision on a matter of Union law is not necessary. In CILFIT Sly (Case 283/81) the CJ clarified that there would be no duty to refer if: [Please select all that apply]

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. Courts or Tribunals which do not fall within Article 267(3) TFEU have an ____________ in the matter of referral.

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