A New Era, 1920–1930

The __________ of the 1920s helped construct a new identity for black Americans--the New Negro who exuded self-confidence, bowed to no one, and confronted racism head on.

The __________ began in the summer of 1925 when a prosecutor in Tennessee indicted a high school science teacher for violating a state law that barred teaching evolution.

Just as jazz signified the 1920s, the __________ symbolized the "new woman" of that decade.

The __________ provided a $110 million loan from private Ameriacn banks to Germany, which could then resume reparations and repayment of American war loans.

In 1927 and 1928, Congress offered the nation's farmers relief witht he __________, both of which President Calvin Coolidge vetoed.

__________ fused racism with science to provide "evidence" of the inferiority of new immigrants for those eager to justify ethnic and racial immigration restrictions.

With the passage of the __________ of 1921, Congress created specific immigration limitations based on national origin. Three years later immigration quotas became permanent.

GM chairman Alfred P. Sloan's notion of __________ boosted sales by luring consumers into purchasing new cars before their old ones wore out.

Most countries worldwide signed the __________, although many officials remained skeptical of its effectiveness at stopping war.

Called __________, on October 29, 1929, the bottom dropped out of the American stock market and everyone wanted out.

Marcus Garvey's __________ became the largest black nationalist movement in history, insisting on black separatism and calling for "Africa for Africans."

The __________ limited immigration to only 120,000 Europeans per year--primarily from countries like England and Germany. The act drastically cut quotas for Eastern and Southern Europe.

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