A New Industrial and Labor Order, 1877–1900

Eugene V. Debs, a veteran activist in the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen, believed that railway workers could increase their power by organizing one industry-wide union, so he founded the __________ in 1893.

Public outcry over concentrations of wealth, combinations, and monopolies forced Congress to pass the __________ in 1890.

Pioneered by the railroads, the __________ differed from those established earlier in the century in size, scale, and organization.

Marketing required salesmen to travel extensively __________, selling their goods in small towns and country stores.

Henry Demarest Lloyd's writings launched a new genre of reporting, investigative journalism, which was derided by critics as __________.

After years of breathing in coal dust, coal miners often died from __________.

Fears of communism, socialism, and __________, all of which aimed to dismantle the capitalist system, place the judicial system overwhelmingly on the side of employers.

Founded in 1869 in Baltimore, originally as a secret organization, the __________ aimed to organize all laboring people into one large, national union.

The years of 1895 to 1905 saw the largest number of business mergers in U.S. history. Approximately 300 firms disappeared, as tire companies such as __________, absorbed smaller competitors.

__________ contributed to the pressured, regimented atmosphere of the American workplace because employers believed they could get more out of workers by paying them by the completed "piece" of a product, rather than an hourly wage.

Headed by Samuel Gompers, the __________ embodied "bread and butter" unionism, embracing capitalism and rejecting the long-range, utopian goals of the Knights of Labor.

Federal and state government provided little regulation for the burgeoning new economic order. __________ was gospel to businessman and the politicians they supported.

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