Additional reading: Chapter 16
Additional Reading:
Elena, S.F. and Lenski, R.E., 2003. Evolution experiments with microorganisms: the dynamics and genetic bases of adaptation. Nature Reviews Genetics, 4(6), pp.457-469.
Enattah, NS, et al. 2007 Evidence of still-ongoing convergence evolution of the lactase persistence T-13910 alleles in humans. Amer J. Human Genet. 81: 615-625
Fan, S. et al. 2016 Going global by adapting local: A review of recent human adaptation. Science 354: 54-59. A recent and very accessible review on the adaptive or advantageous alleles that have been detected in various human populations.
Fox JW, Lenski RE. From Here to Eternity--The Theory and Practice of a Really Long Experiment. PLoS Biol. 2015 Jun 23;13(6):e1002185.
Kamberov. YG et al. 2013. Modeling recent human evolution in mice by expression of a selected EDAR variant. Cell 152: 691-702
Scheinfeldt, LB and SA Tishkoff, 2013. Recent human adaptation: Genomic approaches, interpretation and insight. Nature Rev Genet. 14: 692-702.
Stoneking, M and J Krause. 2011 Learning about human population history from ancient and modern genomes. Nature Rev. Genet. 12: 603-614
Tishkoff, SA, et al. 2007 Convergent adaptation of human lactase persistence in Africa and Europe. Nature Genetics 39: 31-40
The story of the Blue Fugates has been recounted in many different sources. An archived article The Blue People of Troublesome Creek by C. Trost, originally published in Science82 can be found online. The pedigree was redrawn from that article, and the quote about people being related to themselves is also found there.
Additional Reading for Boxes:
Box 16.6
Nzewi, E., 2001. Malevolent ogbanje: recurrent reincarnation or sickle cell disease?. Social Science & Medicine, 52(9), pp.1403-1416.
Krause, J. and S. Paabo, 2016. Genetic Time Travel. Genetics 203: 9-12. Some of the issues and excitement of working with ancient DNA.
Lim, et al. E.T. 2014 Distribution and medical impact of loss-of-function variants in the Finnish founder population. PLoS Genetics 10: e1004494