Additional reading: Chapter 09
Additional Reading:
Altshuler, D. MJ Daly, and ES Lander, 2008 Genetic mapping in human disease. Science 322: 881-888
Coop. G and M. Przeworski, 2007 An evolutionary view of human recombination. Nat. Rev. Genet. 8: 23-34
Lewis, EB. 1995. Remembering Sturtevant. Genetics 141: 1227-1230. Alfred Sturtevant, a student of TH Morgan’s, is widely credited with developing the concept of using recombination to develop genetic maps. Lewis, a Nobel laureate Drosophila geneticist who knew Sturtevant, wrote this historical perspective on the man and his maps.
Additional Reading for Boxes:
Deeb, SS 2005 The molecular basis for variation in human color vision. Clinical Genet. 67: 369-377