Chapter 19 Self-test questions

Employment status and the terms forming the contract

Quiz Content

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A statutory definition of employment status is provided in the Employment Rights Act 1996 s. 230.

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Beyond the statutory definition, the _______ ___ identifies the tests used to establish the employment status of individuals.

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Which test is used to most commonly (and effectively) identify employment status?

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The first test used in identifying employment status, and developed through the common law, was the 'integration test.'

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The original common law test used to establish employment status, which was based on the master/servant distinction, was the _______ test.

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Which of the following features are the most indicative of an 'employee'?

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The 'integration test' of employment status considers the integration of an individual into any trade unions recognized by the employer in the workplace.

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The common law test of __________ was developed in the case Stevenson, Jordan and Harrison v Macdonald and Evans.

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Decisions by the Employment Tribunals assessing employment status are based on:

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An essential feature of employee status is the mutuality of obligations between the parties.

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Section 1 of the Employment Rights Act 1996 obliges an employer to provide an employee with ______ ________ of employment within two months of starting work.

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Which of the implied terms in a contract of employment is often considered the most important?

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The tests established through case law to identify the employment status of an individual must be strictly adhered to and these tests must be applied in a 'mechanical' way to ensure consistency of approach in the tribunals. The tribunals have no discretion in the application of the tests.

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The implied term of ________ identifies that an employee must not work in competition with the principal employer and they must give to the employer their faithfulness.

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The written statement of particulars has to be provided to employees when?

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The case Montgomery v Johnson Underwood established the leading test for determining employment status. The decision identified that the individual must be registered as an employee and pay their own income tax to be considered an employee.

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Insofar as the employer provides the employee with pay, and with exception of certain professions (such as in the entertainment / medicine industries), the employer is not under an implied term to provide an employee with ____.

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The common law test of establishing the status of employment of a worker through 'integration' in Stevenson, Jordan and Harrison v Macdonald and Evans was flawed because:

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Within two months of the employment commencing, an employer must provide an employee with the written particulars of employment.

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One of the most significant implied terms imposed on both employers and employees is to maintain mutual _______ ___ _______.

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According to Hall v Lorimer, how should tribunals approach the tests established through the common law when assessing an individual's employment status?

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Employees are subject to an implied term that they must disclose the misdeeds of others and any misdeeds they have committed.

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The Employment Rights Act 1996 s. 230 and the various common law tests are used to determine the employment status of a worker, an employee and an _________ _______.

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The case of Montgomery v Johnson Underwood established which TWO tests necessary to establish employment status, before the tribunal proceeds to the remaining tests?
i) Control exercisable by the employer;
ii) The intentions of the parties;
iii) Mutuality of obligations;
iv) Any employment status identified in the contract of employment.

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An employee is under a duty to adapt to new working conditions as introduced by the employer – such as the use of new technology. The employer must provide adequate training where necessary and provide the employee with time to adapt.

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A fundamental reason why an employer will wish to determine the employment status of a worker is that the protection against unfair dismissal is only available to individuals identified as an _________.

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Employees who are asked to change or adapt to incorporate new technology in a system of working may:

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Generally (although subject to exceptions), the employer is under no implied obligation to provide an employee with work.

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An independent contractor works under a 'contract for services.' An employee works under a 'contract __ ________'.

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In relation to an employer providing an employee with work, the following is correct:

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