Cirque du Soleil – becoming a global circus


In 2017, Cirque du Soleil had 21 shows touring the world.  Reinventing the concept of “circus”, Cirque du Soleil combines dance, theatre and circus skills into a unique entertainment experience. It has become the world’s most famous circus.

 Activity Description

Watch the two videos about the Cirque du Soleil.  It describes how and why this organisation has grown to become a global phenomenon.

  • How did Cirque du Soleil differentiate itself from traditional circuses?
  • What factors have enabled the Cirque du Soleil to develop globally?
  • Is entry mode choice an issue for Cirque du Soleil?
  • Has Cirque du Soleil had to modify its concept in different international locations?

How Cirque du Soleil revolutionised the circus:

Cirque du Soleil case study:

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