Parties to crime

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You can select a maximum of 19

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What is accomplice liability (or complicity)?

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What is a principal?

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What is an accomplice?

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It is always clear from the case facts as to whether D is a principal or an accomplice. True or false?

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What is the leading case on the differentiation of principals and accomplices?

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Which statute gave rise to the concept of accessorial liability?

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How do we define "aiding"?

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How do we define "abetting"?

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How do we define "counselling"?

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How do we define "procuring"?

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"Joint enterprise" is the same thing as "joint criminal enterprise," "joint venture," "joint criminal venture," and "parasitic accessory liability" (PAL). True or false?

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What did the term "joint enterprise" actually mean?

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Which case abolished the concept of joint enterprise liability?

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It is possible for D to be complicit in an inchoate offence.
True or false?

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The offences of attempted conspiracy or attempted complicity do not exist. True or false?

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The general defences apply to complicity. True or false?

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Withdrawal can be a defence to offences of complicity. True or false?

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The victim rule can be a defence to offences of complicity.
True or false?

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There is scope to develop the law on defences to complicity.
True or false?

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