Mens rea
- Law Commission, Report on the Mental Element in Crime (No 89, 1978)
- Duff, Intention, Agency and Criminal Responsibility (1990)
- Stark, ‘It’s Only Words: On Meaning and Mens Rea’ (2013) 72 CLJ 155
- Lacey, ‘A Clear Concept of Intention: Elusive or Illusory?’ (1993) 56 MLR 621
- Norrie, ‘After Woollin’ [1999] Crim LR 532
- Child, ‘Understanding Ulterior Mens Rea: Future Conduct Intention is Conditional Intention’ (2017) 76 CLJ 311
- Shute, ‘Knowledge and Belief in the Criminal Law’ and Sullivan, ‘Knowledge, Belief and Culpability’ in Shute and Simester (eds), Criminal Law Theory (2007) Chs 8 and 9
- Stark, Culpable Carelessness: Recklessness and Negligence in the Criminal Law (2016)
- Wasik and Thompson, ‘Turning a Blind Eye as Constituting Mens Rea’ (1981) 32 NILQ 324
- Ben-David, ‘Cognitive Void in Relation to Attendant Circumstances as Subjective Mens Rea’ [2015] New Crim LR 418
- Yaffe, ‘The Point of Mens Rea: The Case of Willful Ignorance’ (2018) 12 Crim L & Phil 19