Mens rea

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What is the legal definition of the term 'dishonesty'?

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What is the legal definition of the term 'negligence'?

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What is the leading case on the definition of dishonesty?

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What is a 'duty of care' in the context of negligence?

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When does it become necessary to establish 'gross negligence'?

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Where D lies, and knows she is lying, will she always be dishonest?

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What is the meaning of direct intention?

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What is the meaning of oblique intention?

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Which case is the leading authority on the definition of oblique intention?

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What is the meaning of recklessness?

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Is the Caldwell definition of objective recklessness still applicable?

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Where D did not foresee the harmful results of her conduct, but a reasonable person would have done, can we ever say she intended or was reckless as to those results?

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What is the legal definition of 'knowledge'?

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Can D have knowledge of something that she thinks is unlikely?

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What is 'wilful blindness'?

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What is the legal definition of 'belief'?

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Can D have belief as to something she thinks unlikely?

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Legally, can D have knowledge as to something in the future?

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What does 'mens rea' mean?

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What is the 'voluntariness' requirement?

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What is the difference between subjective and objective mens rea?

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Is there a criminal statute defining mens rea terms?

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When must D poses mens rea for a crime to be committed?

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Is mens rea the same as motive?

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