Parties to crime

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What is the defence of 'withdrawal'?

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What is the victim rule?

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Which of the following statements is NOT true about the defence of withdrawal?

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Which of the following statements is NOT true about the victim rule defence?

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Do the general defences discussed in Chapter 14 also apply to complicity?

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Do the denials of offending discussed in Chapter 13 also apply to complicity?

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What is the mens rea of complicity?

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What is the leading case on the mens rea of complicity?

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What is the difference (if any) between the mens rea for complicity by aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring, and mens rea for complicity by joint criminal enterprise?

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What happens when D intends P to commit a more serious offence than she goes on to commit?

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What happens when D intends P to commit a less serious offence than she goes on to commit?

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What happens when P commits the principal offence in a manner that is drastically different from D's intentions?

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What does it mean to be a 'principal' offender?

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What does it mean to be 'co-principal' offender?

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What does it mean to be a 'principal' offender via the doctrine of 'innocent agency'?

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What does it mean to be an 'accomplice'?

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How is an accomplice labelled and punished?

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What is joint enterprise liability?

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