Chapter 2 Comprehension Quiz

Quiz Content

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. Contour and cross contour lines can be found on many drawings. Contour lines create a path _______ of a shape. When lines explore the interior of a shape—its inner topography—they are called cross contour lines.

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. Identify a true statement about a shape's volume.

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. Identify a true statement about geometric shapes.

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. Which of the following statements is true of high-key value?

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. Which of the following statements is true of the technique of chiaroscuro in art?

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. Which of the following statements is true of the subtractive color system?

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. The primary hues are red, blue, and yellow. In a triangle, yellow is at the top; blue is in the bottom-left; red is in the bottom-right. Secondary hues are shown in a triangle surrounded by three triangles. The outer triangle has the colors orange, violet, and green. The inner triangle has the colors light yellow, light blue, and light pink. Tertiary hues are shown as a circle around the secondary hues. The following colors are in a clockwise direction: Yellow, Yellow Green, Green, Blue-Green, Blue, Blue Violet, Violet, Red Violet, Red, Red Orange, Orange, Yellow Orange, and Yellow.

The given figure shows the relationships between primary, secondary, and tertiary hues. Which of the following is an example of a primary hue?

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. _____, or physical texture, is the direct feel of a surface under your hand or against your body.

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. Which of the following terms best refers to a technique that involves capturing the shape, texture, and other formal elements so carefully and in such detail that at first glance, the viewer might think the images are real?

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. ______ perspective, which is also called rising perspective, places distant images higher in the picture plane without making them smaller. The term means that the images have equal dimensions.

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