Chapter 13 Activities
Activity 1: Create a poster assessing the importance of the multilateral organizations of which the UK is a member
Learning objective: To evaluate the importance of the UK’s membership of particular multilateral organizations
Suitable for: Individual work
You will need:
- To have read Blick, A. (2021), UK Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 13
- An A3 piece of paper or access to a presentation programme such as Microsoft PowerPoint
Outline of activity:
On an A3 piece of paper or using a presentation programme on your computer, design a poster assessing the importance of the following multilateral organizations of which the UK is a member:
- United Nations (The UN)
- The WTO
- The IMF
- The World Bank
- The Commonwealth
Include details regarding who is a member of each organization; what benefits membership of each organization brings to the UK; what obligations the UK has through its members of each organization; how each organization can help the UK pursue its foreign policy objectives.
Need some help? Why not refer to section 13.2.3 of the book?
Answer guidance:
Consider the following questions:
- Which international organization is most important for the UK in terms of pursuing its foreign policy objectives?
- What does membership of each organization allow the UK to do?
- What constrains does membership of each organization place on the UK?
- What type of power – ‘hard’ or ‘soft’ – does the UK gain from being a member of each organization?
Activity 2: Assess whether the UK has a greater level of ‘soft’ or ‘hard’ power
Learning objective: To apply different theoretical perspectives to UK external policy
Suitable for: Individual or pair work
You will need:
- To have read Blick, A. (2021), UK Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 13
- An A4 piece of paper or access to word-processing software such as Microsoft Word
Outline of activity:
On an A4 piece of paper or in a word-processing document, create a table with two columns headed ‘Soft power’ and ‘Hard power’.
In each column, identify what sources of ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ power you think the UK possesses.
At the bottom of the page, write a two- to three-sentence summary assessing which type of power you personally think the UK has more of.
If working in a pair, complete the activity individually and then compare and contrast what you have written with your study partner.
Need some help? Why not refer to section 13.2.2 of the book?
Answer guidance:
Consider the following questions:
- What are the sources of the UK’s ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ power?
- What factors might limit the UK’s ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ power?
- How much ‘hard’ power do you think the UK has?
- How much ‘soft’ power do you think the UK has?
- In what circumstances is it necessary to use ‘soft’ power to pursue foreign policy objectives?
- In what circumstances is it necessary to use ‘hard’ power to pursue foreign policy objectives?
- In what circumstances might it not be possible or effective for the UK to use these forms of power?
- What type of power do you think is most important in today’s world?
Activity 3: Debate the question: “Does the UK truly have a ‘special relationship’ with the US?”
Learning objective: To create an argument about the importance of the UK’s relationship with the US
Suitable for: Pair or group work
You will need:
- To have read Blick, A. (2021), UK Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 13
Outline of activity:
With a partner or in a group, hold a debate regarding the question “Does the UK truly have a ‘special relationship’ with the US?”
One side should argue the case that the UK does have a ‘special relationship’ with the US. The other side should argue the case that the UK does not have a ‘special relationship’ with the US.
Take 10-15 minutes to make notes in support of your case. Each side then has up to five minutes to outline their case before the other responds.
Need some help? Why not refer to section 13.2.2 of the book?
Answer guidance:
Consider the following questions:
- In what ways could the UK’s relationship with the US be considered ‘special’?
- In what ways could the UK’s relationship with the US not be considered ‘special’?
- How has the UK’s relationship with the US developed over time?
- With which other countries could the UK’s relationship be considered ‘special’?
Activity 4: Create an essay plan for the question: “Parliament should have a greater role to play in determining the UK’s external policy. Discuss.”
Learning objective: To analyse the way in which UK external policy is made
Suitable for: Individual work
You will need:
- To have read Blick, A. (2021), UK Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 13
Outline of activity:
Create an essay plan for the question: “Parliament should have a greater role to play in determining the UK’s external policy. Discuss.”
Make notes on what you would include in each paragraph of your essay, making sure to include all sides of the argument.
Need some help? Why not refer to sections 13.2.1 and 13.2.3 of the book?
Answer guidance:
Consider the following questions:
- How are decisions about UK external policy made? What role does Parliament play in this process?
- What would be the advantages of Parliament having a greater role in determining the UK’s external policy?
- What would be the disadvantages of Parliament having a greater role in determining the UK’s external policy?
- Which other bodies could be consulted when determining the UK’s external policy?
Activity 5: Create an essay plan for the question: “Even after Brexit, the UK is still a leading player on the world stage. Discuss.”
Learning objective: To create an argument about the ability of the UK to exercise influence on the world stage and analyse the consequences of Brexit for UK external policy
Suitable for: Individual work
You will need:
- To have read Blick, A. (2021), UK Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, Chapter 13
Outline of activity:
Create an essay plan for the question: “Even after Brexit, the UK is still a leading player on the world stage. Discuss.”
Make notes on what you would include in each paragraph of your essay, making sure to include all sides of the argument.
Need some help? Why not refer to section 12.3 of the book?
Answer guidance:
Consider the following questions:
- Why might the UK be considered a significant world power?
- What resources are available to the UK that could allow it to act as a significant world power?
- For what reasons could it be argued that the UK is a significant world power?
- For what reasons could it be argued that the UK is not a significant world power?
- To what extent has Brexit affected the UK’s status as a world power? Has its status been enhanced or undermined or is it no different?
- Was the UK a significant world power prior to Brexit? If so, why?