- Political Science/Politics

Welcome to the digital resources for Global Politics! To help you get off to a smooth start this term, this Student Quick Start Guide will cover the need-to-know information about using Oxford's digital resources that you can use in place of or in addition to your Global Politics, textbook.
To help you get off to a smooth start this term, this Student FAQ wil address some frequently asked questions about accessing and using the digital resources for Global Politics, by Mark A. Boyer!
Having trouble registering for access to OUP's digital learning resources for Global Politics or there is an issue with the OUP content itself? Contact OUP Support at:
- Email: LearningLinkDirect.Support@oup.com
- Phone: 855-281-8749
- Website: https://oup.softwareassist.com/
Having trouble logging in to Learning Link? Contact Learning Link Support at:
- Email: learninglink.support@oup.com
- Phone: 800-445-9714
- Live Chat: https://oup-arc.com/contact
Having trouble logging in to your school’s learning management system to access Oxford University Press’s content? Contact your school’s Administrator or IT Department.
Welcome to the digital resources for Global Politics! To help you get off to a smooth start this term, this Instructor Quick Start Guide will cover essential information about using and accessing Oxford's digital resources within your school's LMS via Learning Link Direct.
Introducing the Oxford University Press Higher Education Group's Digital Learning Solution: Learning Link Direct for Boyer's Global Politics! Learning Link Direct allows for OUP's digital learning resources for Global Politics to be available within your institution's own LMS via a one-time course integration.
Click here to download support for integrating resources into Your LMS
The time-table for the following checklist is based on best practices for implementation; however, if you need to implement these sources in a narrower timeframe, our Digital Support Team is there to get you set up in no time at all!
To make the integration of Oxford University Press's digital learning resources into your course as simple as possible, we've provided language for your to incorporate into you syllabus. Feel free to copy-and-paste any and all info that will be helpful to you and your students!
To make communicating the value of using Oxford University Press's digital learning resources to your students as easy as possible, we've provided this template for you to distribute to your students ahead of the first day of class.
Having trouble integrating Oxford University Press’s digital learning resources for Boyer’s Global Politics into your LMS? Or, have you discovered an issue with the Oxford University Press content itself? Contact Oxford University Press Support at:
- Email: LearningLinkDirect.Support@oup.com
- Phone: 855-281-8749
- Website: https://oup.softwareassist.com/
Having trouble logging in to Learning Link? Contact Learning Link Support at:
- Email: learninglink.support@oup.com
- Phone: 800-445-9714
- Live Chat: https://oup-arc.com/contact
Having trouble logging in to your school’s LMS to access Oxford University Press’s content? Contact your school’s Administrator or IT Department.
Resources for Global Politics: Applying Theory to a Complex World
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Instructor Resources for Boyer, Hudson, Butler, Global Politics
- Interoperable and test-bank only LMS course packages
- Instruct...

Student Resources for Boyer, Hudson, Butler, Global Politics
- Enhanced ebook
- Review PowerPoint slides for each chapter
- Vocabulary Flas...