This title has been replaced by Land Law 4e, and its resources will no longer be available for student purchase or redemption after 26 Jul 2026. Anyone who purchased or redeemed access prior to 26 Jul 2026 can still access these resources for the duration of their original access period.
Land Law 3e Resources
Land Law 3rd edition is accompanied by an extensive range of online materials to support students and lecturers while using this book on their land law course. Pointers in the textbook suggest where it might be helpful for students to undertake self-test questions, watch a video from the author, or engage with another interactive resource to enhance their understanding of a given topic. Alternatively, readers are free to access this website during any point of their study to aid understanding, revision, and preparation for assessments.
Discover the following content:
- Self-test questions with answer feedback
- Scenario and problem-based questions with answer guidance
- Videos on specific cases, how to approach assessment questions, and chapter summaries
- Audio podcasts discussing prominent land law debates
- Animated flowcharts explaining cases and legal procedures. The 3rd edition includes 2 new animated flowcharts:
- Chapter 1 Objects found in and on land
- Chapter 4 Analysing an adverse possession claim
- Examples of official legal documents with explanatory annotation. The 3rd edition includes 3 new legal documents in Chapter 3:
- Image of classic, old conveyance
- Application for Official Search of the Land Charges Register
- Certificate of Result of Official Search
- Visual scenario questions concerning land law with prompts and guidance
- Lawyers Behind the Cases exclusive videos – real-life interviews between the author and lawyers on prominent land law cases
- Downloadable figures from the book
- Flashcard glossary