Income tax


The following student learning activity is designed to consolidate your knowledge of income tax. The individual questions require you to consider and apply information contained in chapter 17 of Business Law.

You will be given a fact pattern requiring you to deal with specific matters. Based on this, you will be asked a number of questions designed to make you consider the advice you would provide. A correct answer will allow you to move on to the next question and may also provide you with further facts relevant to your activity. If you answer incorrectly, you will receive feedback designed to assist you in coming to the correct answer. Feedback may include references to appropriate paragraphs in the book. Some questions may require multiple answers. Note that, for some questions, you may consider there to be more than one possible answer. If this is the case, you should choose the answer which, in your opinion, provides the best advice in the circumstances.

Elements of a number of the correct answers will build to provide you with a printable record of the steps by which you dealt with the matter.