Chapter 2 Self-test questions

Development of the Drosophila body plan

Quiz Content

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. This chapter discusses the embryonic development of Drosophila melanogaster. How long does embryonic development take in this organism?

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. The 'spinal cord' of Drosophila-its 'nerve cord'

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. The portion of the blastoderm-stage embryo which will give rise to most ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal tissues is called the:

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. The process of segmentation will form how many parasegments?

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. When do the legs and wings of a fly form?

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. The portion of the Drosophila body plan which will produce the wing is called:

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. Maternal factors are

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. Which protein (gene) functions to determine an anterior fate in the Drosophila embryo?

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. The development of the antero-posterior axis of Drosophila is initiated when:

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. Which is the correct hierarchy of gene activity in early Drosophila segmentation?

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. Which would lead to a dorsalized embryo?

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. A gap-gene mutation could cause which of the following defects in the embryonic body plan?

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. The activation of zygotic hunchback expression by Bicoid protein illustrates what principle in the establishment of positional information in embryos?

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. The adult body plan of the fly is based on reiterating structures called segments; segment precursors (parasegments) are first positioned at the cell-by-cell level by which group of genes?

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. engrailed expression defines the

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. Mutations in homeotic genes can lead to what type of developmental defect?

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. Which of the following, first discovered through mutagenesis studies in Drosophila, also function in the development of mammals like ourselves?

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