Web Links
Chapter 8 – The History of Terrorism
Bernhard Blumenau and Tim Wilson
https://cstpv.wp.st-andrews.ac.ukThe Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence (CSTPV) at the University of St Andrews in Scotland is the oldest academic research centre for the study of terrorism in Europe. Although inter-disciplinary in its expertise, it has a particular concentration of scholars working upon the history of terrorism. It also hosts the Global History of Terrorism Archive (GHTA): a huge collection of newspaper cuttings on terrorism covering the period from c. 1980 until the early-1990s.
https://www.historians.org/The American Historical Association (AHA) is the leading professional organization that supports historians and the study of history in the USA. It publishes the journal American Historical Review.
https://royalhistsoc.org/The Royal Historical Association is the British equivalent of the AHA.
https://www.standingwellback.com/This website gathers historic case studies of IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices). It offers an extraordinary survey of explosive devices (and attempts to counter them) over several hundred years. Many attack forms turn out to be anything but new.