Web Links
Chapter 24 – International Organizations and Counterterrorism
Christian Kaunert and Ori Wertman
https://europa.eu/The European Union website is the main website for information about the European Union. It explains the EU in brief, its institutions and bodies, its countries, symbols, history, facts, and figures.
https://www.nato.intThe NATO website is the main website for information about the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). It explains the NATO in brief, its institution, its member states, partners, history, facts, and figures.
https://asean.orgThe ASEAN website is the main website for information about the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). It explains the organization in brief, its institutions and bodies, its countries, symbols, history, facts, and figures.
https://euobserver.comEUobserver is a European online newspaper, launched in 2000 by a Brussels-based organization.
It provides daily reports and in-depth coverage on international affairs related to the European Union (EU) and is regarded as one of the first English language media outlets dedicated to the reporting of EU affairs.