Further reading and web links: Chapter 09

Further reading and web links: Chapter 09

Hooks, b. (2013) Dig Deep: Beyond Lean In http://www.thefeministwire.com/2013/10/17973/
Bell hooks’ ( cultural critic, commentator and feminist) develops an intersectional critique of neo-liberal feminism as ‘faux feminism’, with a particular focus on Sheryl Sandberg ( Author of Lean In) , and the corporate capture of feminism.

E. Munro Feminism : A Fourth Wave?
Ealasaid Munro  examines the history of feminism, drawing on the analogy of waves, and explores the extent to which ICTs and social media have given rise to a new Fourth Wave of Feminism

F. Mackay Reclaiming Revolutionary Feminism
Finn Mackay explores the development of revoluntionary feminism in the UK from the mid 1970s, particularly the development of the Women’s Liberation Movement, and reflects of its relevance for contemporary feminism

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