Religion: Ritual and Belief

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. The belief that inanimate objects such as trees, rocks, cliffs, hills, and rivers were animated by spiritual forces or beings is

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. The conceptualization of the world offering a set of unquestioned assumptions about it and how it works is called

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. A symbolic system socially enacted through rituals and other aspects of social life is

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. The belief that sacred power inheres in certain high-ranking people, sacred spaces, and objects is called

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. E. B. Tylor

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. Rituals are

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. Incantations and the manipulation of special objects are features of

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. Frank eats the same breakfast, wears the same socks, and takes the same path to school before every big exam. Frank is performing

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. Monotheism is

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. Polytheism is

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. Baseball is well known for superstition and

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. Which of these acts as objects for group ritual activity and represents powerful symbols for people to focus on?

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. Sports teams' mascots are an example of

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. Some could argue that the Christian practice of praying to Jesus, God, the Holy Spirit, and the saints makes it a

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. A trance is

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