Linguistic Anthropology: Relating Language and Culture

Please note that this exercise is for self-study, and your instructor will not be able to see your responses.

Quiz Content

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. Washo is

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. The use of wild animals or birds of prey to represent sports teams is

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. A creole language is

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. A pidgin language is

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. Local colonized societies in the Americas helped in the development of

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. If you were interested not only in how people are supposed to speak, but how people actually speak, what anthropological approach would you be most likely to adopt?

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. According to ethnopoetics, what is true of every speech act?

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. The combination of language, morality, and identity is called

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. Animals communicate through

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. The study of how sociocultural norms and contexts shape language use in society is called

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. Linguistic relativity is

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. In her work on gender and language in the workplace, what did Robin Lakoff pay close attention to when analyzing speech?

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. When people assume that if you speak with a southern accent you are not well educated, they are acting on

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. Philology is

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. Which scholar believes that language is the symbolic guide to culture?

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