Quiz Content

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. The English colonial authority developed the Penal Codes to deny the fundamental rights of

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. An example of disguised discrimination is when

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. To justify African slavery, English colonialists portrayed Africans as

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. In Latin America, social behaviors are what distinguishes

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. Instrumentalism is a(n)

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. How does race become biology?

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. In the current US census, how many boxes can you check to mark your race?

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. One way slave owners expanded their workforce was to include their mixed-race children under the

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. Who are at the top of varna, the caste system in India?

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Which of the following is an example of disguised discrimination?

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. What is not true of prejudice?

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. What is true of social inequality?

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. Why are censuses interesting to anthropologists?

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. In her formulation of the "invisible knapsack," Peggy McIntosh argues that

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. What effect has capitalism had on social stratification in non-Western societies?

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