1. Society for the Anthropology of Religion (http://www.aaanet.org/sections/sar/)

The Society for the Anthropology of Religion is a section of the American Anthropological Association. It supports anthropological approaches to the study of religion from all the subdisciplines and encourage enhanced communication among scholars sharing the interests of anthropology and religion.

  1. The Guardian, “Anthropology in the News” (http://www.theguardian.com/science/anthropology)

This website has a summary page of recent articles that demonstrates the breadth of anthropological research happening, including in the realm of the anthropology of religion and analysis of religious events around the world.

  1. Anthrocybib (http://anthrocybib.net/)

The Anthropology of Christianity Bibliography Blog is a site containing reviews, abstracts, and book notices of anthropological books that deal primarily with Christianity and the impact of missions around the world.

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