1. The Association for Feminist Anthropology (http://www.aaanet.org/sections/afa/)

A section of the American Anthropological Association which aims to foster the development of feminist analytic perspectives in all dimensions of anthropology. The AFA journal is entitled Voices, and it supports several undergraduate and graduate student awards.

  1. The Association for Queer Anthropology (http://queeranthro.org/)

The Association for Queer Anthropology (AQA) is a section of the American Anthropological Association. AQA serves the interests of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other queer and allied anthropologists and promotes anthropological research and education on homosexuality, bisexuality, transgender/transsexuality, and other sexual and gender identities and expressions and their intersections with race, class, disability, nationality, colonialism, and globalization.

  1. Gender-Based Violence Topical Interest Group (http://community.sfaa.net/group/genderbasedviolencetopicalinterestgroup)

The Society for Applied Anthropology supports the Gender-Based Violence Topical Interest Group is a network of scholars, practitioners, and others interested in advancing research and action focusing on gender based violence.

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