The _______ lies at about the posterior end of the Sylvian fissure. It plays a role in shifting attention to a new location after target onset, especially if the stimulus is unexpected.
The _______ is important for establishing gaze in accordance with cognitive goals (top-down processes) rather than with any characteristics of stimuli (bottom-up processes). It has rich interconnections with the superior colliculus, which is important for planned eye movements.
The _______ is a region in the human parietal lobe that is especially involved in voluntary, top-down control of attention.
The _______ is implicated in working memory, and thus may provide crucial information about novelty by comparing the present state of stimuli with that of the recent past.
Temperopariety junction (TPJ)
Frontal eye field (FEF)
Intraparietal sulcus (IPS)
Vernal frontal cortex (VFC)
Textbook Reference: Sources of Attention: A Network of Brain Sites Creates and Directs Attention