For each type of memory and learning, drag and drop the brain region or regions involved.
Skill learning (e.g., knowing how to ride a bike)
Semantic memory (e.g., knowing the capital of Rwanda)
Nonassociative learning (e.g., learning to ignore a frequently ringing bell; or getting increasingly irritated by the bell)
Spatial memory (e.g. learning the configuration of a maze)
Classical conditioning (salivating when you see a favorite food)
Short-term memory (working memory)
Priming (e.g., being more likely to use a word you heard recently)
Episodic memory (e.g., remembering first day of school)
Striatum, motor cortex, cerebellum
Medial temporal lobe, neocortex
Reflex pathways
Hippocampus and cortex
Amygdala and cerebellum
Prefrontal cortext
Medial temporal lobe, neocortex
Textbook Reference: Different Forms of Nondeclarative Memory Involve Different Brain Regions