From the Greek word for "sea horse"; along with the fornix, important for learning.
Found in the diencephalon along with the hypothalamus; along with the anterior and dorsomedial nuclei in the thalamus, involved with the processing of recognition memory.
A complex cluster of nuclei that act as way stations to the cerebral cortex; damage to the dorsomedial nuclei here can impair memory formation.
Provide profuse cholinergic inputs to the hippocampus and cortex; deterioration in these pathways appears to be a factor in age-related memory impairment and in Alzheimer's disease.
Serves as a major pathway from the amygdala to the hypothalamus and participates in anxiety and stress responses.
A fiber tract that extends from the hippocampus to the mammillary body; along with the hippocampus, important for learning.
A cortical region implicated in diverse functions, including the direction of attention.
An anterior basal structure that receives olfactory (smell) inputs from the nasal cavities.
An almond-shaped structure consisting of several subdivisions with quite diverse functions, including emotional regulation and the perception of odor.
Mammillary body
Septal nuclei
Stria terminalis
Cingulate gyrus
Olfactory bulb
Textbook Reference: The Brain Shows Regional Specialization of Functions