The "little brain" that develops from the metencephalon, one of two divisions of the hindbrain.
Develops from the myelencephalon, one of two divisions of the hindbrain.
Also known as mesencephalon; one of three swellings that appears a few weeks after conception at the head end of the human neural tube.
Develop from the telencephalon and appear at the very front of the developing brain.
Located at the very front of the developing brain; will become the cerebral hemispheres.
Develops from the metencephalon, one of two divisions of the hindbrain.
The part of the forebrain that will become the thalamus and the hypothalamus.
Also known as rhombencephalon; one of three swellings that appears a few weeks after conception at the head end of the human neural tube.
Also known as proensephalon; one of three swellings that appears a few weeks after conception at the head end of the human neural tube.
In a very young embryo of a vertebrate, this constitutes what will become the CNS; its walls are made of cells, and the interior is filled with fluid.
Cerebral hemisphere
Neural tube
Textbook Reference: The Nervous System Extends throughout the Body