A structure located at the back of the brain that is involved in the central regulation of movement
An anterior projection of the brain that terminates in the upper nasal passages and that, through small openings in the skull, provides receptors for smell
A major groove that divides the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe
A major sector of the cerebral hemispheres, where auditory information is received and where damage can impair hearing
The most anterior portion of the cerebral cortex
A strip of parietal cortex that receives somatosensory information
A part of the frontal lobe that is crucial for motor control
A deep fissure that demarcates the temporal lobe
The posterior lobe of the brain, the cortex of which receives information from the eyes and analyzes that information to give us sight
A major sector of the cerebral hemisphere, the functions of which include the processing of somatosensory information
Olfactory bulb
Central sulcus
Temporal lobe
Frontal lobe
Poscentral gyrus
Precentral gyrus
Sylvian fissure
Occipital lobe
Parietal lobe
Textbook Reference: The Nervous System Extends throughout the Body