A small, complex endocrine gland located at the base of the skull; controls almost all hormone secretion.
Immediately ventral to the cerebellum, this structure includes regions involved in motor control and sensory analysis, including several cranial nerve nuclei.
Contains most of the neurons that innervate muscle; the majority of somatosensory information also enters the CNS through the dorsal roots of this structure.
Forms the bottom of the brainstem and marks the transition from brain stem to spinal cord; neurons here maintain vital bodily functions.
The most anterior portion of the cerebral cortex.
A structure located at the back of the brain that is involved in the central regulation of movement.
An anterior projection of the brain that terminates in the upper nasal passages and, through small openings in the skull, provides receptors for smell.
A major sector of the cerebral hemispheresl; most auditory information reaches this sector, and damage here can impair hearing.
Spinal cord
Frontal lobe
Olfactory bulb
Temporal lobe
Textbook Reference: The Brain Is Described in Terms of Both Structure and Function