China: Imperial Unification and Perfecting the Moral Order, 722 BCE–618 CE

Quiz Content

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. The correct order for the events or eras listed below is:

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. Anticipating a host of later Chinese thinkers, Mencius believed that __________ are the foundation of the state

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. According to Confucius, _________ was the key to checking the arbitrary exercise of power.

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. For Confucius, government should be run by ____________ who behave according to an ethical and moral ideal.

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. Whose writings were collected together in the Lunyu or Analects?

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. During the chaos of the Warring States period, many intellectuals and philosophers devoted their thoughts to building a safer, more prosperous society. This intelligentsia included all of the following EXCEPT:

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. For legalists, military service and __________ were the two most important activities to the state.

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. In the view of Han Fei and Li Si:

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. All of the following statements about the Dao are true EXCEPT:

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. Daoists believe that the best government is:

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. Which school of thought helped to create a unified China?

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. Confucianism will play a large role in the development of the _______________ of China's empires.

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. The state that emerged triumphant from the Period of Warring States was:

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. All of the following are true of the Qin (as it finally did come to power) EXCEPT:

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. The following statement is true:

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. The Han retained the centralized ministries and ___________ of the Qin dynasty.

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. Within a century of Liu Bang's reign, the Han dynasty's political organization:

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. All of the following were policies the Han adopted to protect their northern and western borders EXCEPT:

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. The periods of the Former Han dynasty and the Latter Han dynasty were separated by:

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. Problems that arose during the Latter Han dynasty included all EXCEPT:

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. All of the following were Chinese technologies EXCEPT:

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. The Northern Wei and the Sui dynasties:

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. The Tang dynasty:

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. From the time of the Han, the position of Chinese women was affected by all of the following EXCEPT:

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. The philosophical system known as "the Han Synthesis":

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. The Shiji was an attempt to:

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. All of the following were important schools of Buddhism in China EXCEPT:

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. The authors of the text argue that many of the brilliant innovations of Chinese intellectual and cultural history arose:

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. The Chinese concepts of became the founding principles for the arts throughout East Asia.

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. The ________ dynasty became a model for all future ones.

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A photo of Terracotta statues of warriors at the Qin burial complex.

The terra-cotta figures in the image above come from what important archeological site?

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A map traces the industrial and commercial aspects of the Han Empire in China during the first century B C E. The Han Empire then covered the Koreas, part of Mongolia, and China. Intensive agriculture and coal mining were practiced in the places around Chang'an and Luoyang. Cattle were bred in the north. Timber, paper, silk, salt, iron, citrus fruits, and Iron industries were predominant in the Han Empire.

According to the map above, what was produced near Luoyang?

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A statue of the Bodhisattva Guanyin.

Guanyin, pictured above, is most associated with which sect of Chinese and Japanese Buddhism?

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