African Kingdoms, the Atlantic Slave Trade, and the Origins of Black America, 1450–1800

Quiz Content

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. ___________ was an African empire during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries:

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. The following order is correct:

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. Some Catholic monks in the kingdom of Kongo denounced ngangas as:

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. In the opening vignette of the chapter, Dona Beatriz is portrayed as all of the following EXCEPT:

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. The long-range impact of a Muslim invasion of northern Sub-Saharan Africa in the sixteenth century:

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. All of the following are true of Songhay EXCEPT:

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. The Hausa kingdoms:

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. In South Central Africa (on the southern side of the rainforest, the eastern part of the southern savanna, and the Great Lakes area of Central Africa):

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. What did the Portuguese produce using slave labor on plantations on islands off the coast of Africa?

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. All of the following were true of Ethiopia in the 15th and 16th centuries EXCEPT:

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. All of the following statements are true of the Portuguese interaction or contacts in West Africa EXCEPT:

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. Trade between Europeans and Africans during the period 1500 to 1800:

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. All of the following is true of the trade between Portuguese mariners and the kingdom of Benin EXCEPT:

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. All of the following are true of the Dutch in South Africa EXCEPT:

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. All of the following are true of the system of slavery in the Americas EXCEPT:

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. In legal terms, how were African slaves in the New World perceived?

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. "Presentism" is

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. All of the following are true of the Americas soon after the Spanish arrived EXCEPT:

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. The average life span of a sugar plantation slave is estimated to have been:

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. "Mercantilism" is a political/economic theory that holds that:

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. All of the following is true of indentured laborers EXCEPT:

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. Initially, slave labor was brought to North America:

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. All of the following is true of the Carolina colony EXCEPT:

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. All of the following were important economically in the Carolinas EXCEPT:

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. James Oglethorpe originally founded the colony of Georgia for:

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. After the capture of Elmina in 1637, the ___________ became the principal transporters of slaves across the Atlantic.

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. "Creole" cultures emerge:

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. Which of the following locations did not have a Maroon settlement?

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A map of Africa shows the regions from which captured Africans were brought to the Americas, between 1501 and 1867. The approximate number and percentage are as follows. Senegambia: 1,000,000, 6.0 percent. Sierra Leone: 500,000, 3.1 percent. Windward Coast: 250,000, 2.7 percent. Gold coast: 1,500,000, 9.7 percent. Bight of Benin: 2,000,000, 16.0 percent. Bight of Biafra: 1,750,000, 12.7 percent. West Central Africa: 5,000,000, 45.5 percent. Southeast Africa: 500,000, 4.3 percent.

About how many African captives were taken from West Central Africa?

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A map shows the trade of goods across the Atlantic. The English colonies were along the eastern coast of North America, and the major cities in the colonies were Boston, Newport, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk, Wilmington, Charleston, and Savannah. Fish, livestock, flour, and lumber were transported from northeastern North America to the Caribbean, and slaves and sugar were transported back. Rice from southeastern North America was transported to the West Indies, and slaves from the West Indies were transported back. Fish, furs, and lumber from northeastern North America and tobacco, rice, indigo, and hides were transported to the United Kingdom, and manufactured goods from the United Kingdom were transported back. Grain, fish, lumber, and rum were transported from northeastern North America to northern Africa. Molasses and fruit were transported from the Caribbean to Europe. European products from Europe were transported to the Caribbean. Rum was transported from northeastern North America to western Africa, and slaves were transported back. Wine from Madeira was transported to northeastern North America, and wine and fruits from Madeira were transported to Europe. Manufactured goods were transported to the western coast of Africa. Slaves and gold from western Africa were transported to the West Indies. The western coast of Africa was labeled ivory, gold, and slave coasts.

The Atlantic trade system shown in the map above was also known as:

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Photo shows the interior of the Voodoo museum with an altar and a shrine that has various symbolic items.

The picture above is of a Voodoo alter and shrine. Voodoo is considered a(n) ____________ religion.

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