The African Origins of Humanity, Prehistory–10,000 BCE

Quiz Content

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. What discovery has complicated the chronology related to the split between chimpanzees and the emergence of the first hominins?

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. Early hominins were able to expand their dietary resources to include a greater variety of food sources, such as meat:

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. The most important physical ability in the split from chimpanzee to hominin was:

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. Homo erectus

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. Levallois toolmaking is defined by

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. Forager societies:

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. Gender was an aspect of social organization in early foraging societies in what respect?

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. The following is NOT evidence of the development of abstract thought among Homo sapiens:

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. In traditional Australian Aboriginal society, as described in the nineteenth century, most marriages:

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. "Venus" figurines:

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. Rock art and cave art in Europe:

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. Symbolic thinking among Homo sapiens:

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. All of the following were results of the last Ice Age EXCEPT:

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. Modern humans adapted to the conditions of the Ice Age in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

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. What was the significance of creation of Beringia during the last Ice Age?

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. The carbon-dating of a horse mandible found in the Bluefish Caves helped

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. "Kennewick man":

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. Migrations to the Americas

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. The history of humans from the time of Clovis and the Fertile Crescent to the present:

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. The authors of the textbook believe that the principal reason for the slow pace of deep history was:

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A photo of the oldest stone tools to exist and their measurements ranging from 5 to 10 centimeters.

What is significant about the stone tools pictured here?

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A Venus figurine.

What name has been given to Paleolithic female figurines found all over Europe?

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A map traces how people migrated to America. People from Siberia migrated to various places, namely Alaska, Alberta, Venezuela, and Chile through the land. Coastal migration happened in places like Chile, Brazil, the West Indies, and San Francisco. Some of the earlier inhabited sites in those places were Alaska, Kennewick, Renumber, Clovis, Appalachian Mountains, Meadowcroft, Cactus Hill, Savannah river, Taima Taima, Lapa do Boquete, Santana de Riachoz, and Monte Verde.

The map shows human migration into the Americas. What halted human migration southward from Beringia?

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