Quiz Content

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. Efforts by British envoys to establish a British diplomatic mission in Qing China met with complete failure _________.

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. By the end of the eighteenth century, the illegal trade in _________, or "foreign mud," constituted the most profitable import commodity in China, especially around the area of Guangzhou (Canton).

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. Beginning in the fall of 1839, the hostilities between China and Great Britain exposed the growing gap between the military capabilities of industrializing Western nations and those like China, whose armed forces _________.

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. The Treaty of _________, which put an end to the first of the Opium Wars, marked the first of the century's "unequal treaties" that would be imposed throughout east Asia by European powers in order to open Chinese ports to foreign trade.

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. The British imposed the policy of _________, or immunity of a country's nationals from the laws of their host country, on the newly open ports on the Chinese mainland.

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. Another policy imposed by the British was that of _________, the loss by a country of its right to set its own tariffs.

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. In later treaties signed by China with France and the United States, an important addition was the most-favored nation clause, which stated that:

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. The movement to bring about the ________(taiping tianguo) on earth became known as the Taiping Rebellion and was headed by the former Confucian follower Hong Xiuquan.

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. As a result of the Second Opium War, Qing China was forced to abide by all but one of the following:

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. While Western powers wished for Qing China to become a more stable trade and diplomatic partner, the Chinese were primarily concerned with _________.

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. In order to stem the tide of Western encroachment and influence, a growing number of Chinese officials advocated a policy of _________, whose two most prominent advocates were Li Hongzhang and Zeng Guofan.

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. After the forced suicide of Taiping leader Hong Xiuquan and the end of his movement in 1864, Chinese leaders began to move toward a reform strategy of what a later slogan called:

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. By the fall of 1894, a full-scale war over the fate of Korea and northeast Asia, called the _________War, was under way.

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. After the war, the winning Japanese side forced China into a series of humiliating provisions including all but one of the following:

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. The severity of peace provisions after 1895 signaled to the Western powers in East Asia that China was now weak enough to have massive economic and territorial demands forced on it and led to a _________in which not just Japan, but also France, Great Britain, Russia, and Germany all made known their own territorial demands on China.

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. In 1899, at the behest of United States Secretary of State John Hay, European powers were persuaded to refrain from securing exclusive concessions and, instead, to maintain a(n) _________policy for all.

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. In the aftermath of losing the war, a group of young Chinese officials pushed for a series of widespread reforms aimed at completely revamping China's government and many of its leading institutions in what became known as the _________.

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. The Boxer Rebellion came about as a result of the anti-Qing and anti-foreign plots of a group known as the _________, also known as the "Boxers" on account of their ritual exercises.

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. As a result of the Empress Dowager having openly lent her support to the Boxers movement through secret negotiations and having consequently declared war on all the foreign powers in China, _________and a multi-national relief force led by the Germans and British and largely manned by the Japanese was quickly assembled which also included units from all countries with interests in China.

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. The treaty ending the Boxer Rebellion saw Qing power in China totally defeated and forced to accept the most severe "unequal" demands to date, as part of what came to be referred as the Boxer Protocols of 1901, including all but one of the following:

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. Which of the following factors did not shape Japan's pursuit of an overseas empire?

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. _________was the term used by the Japanese to refer to the Western ships arriving on Japanese waters, such as Commodore Perry's fleets in 1853 and 1854.

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. The Treaty of _________between Commodore Matthew C. Perry of the United States and the Tokugawa shogunate in 1854 was Japan's first with an outside power and ushered the nation into the "treaty port" era with the opening of ports such as Yokohama and Nagasaki, thereby ending Japan's policy of seclusion.

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. A backlash against the foreign presence in Japan, resulting from the "treaty port" era of exposure to Western powers, led to the creation of an anti-foreigner movement aimed at driving out the Tokugawa and _________had coalesced around the samurai of two southern domains, Satsuma and Choshu, the so-called "Satcho clique."

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. This movement's slogan, Sonno joi, meant:

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. The movement's new regime moved to the Tokugawa capital of _________and renamed it Tokyo.

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. New Emperor Mutsuhito's Japan sought to make good on its promise and took on the name of Meiji, meaning _________, and launched a series of progressive reforms aimed at strengthening imperial rule, as exemplified by the issuing of the Charter Oath of 1868.

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. Among Mutsuhito's reforms were all but one of the following:

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. The novel _________, written by Cao Xueqin, is considered to be the greatest literary masterpiece of the Qing Era and is such a hallmark of Chinese vernacular literature that there is an entire field of "red studies" or "redology" devoted entirely to the examination of the work.

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. Which of the following was not a Meiji regime economic reform?

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. By the end of the nineteenth century, Japan's economy had developed a number of successful zaibatsu or _________in order to control or monopolize an industry, with the military and transportation industries being prime examples.

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. While borrowing heavily from the United States and British models, Ito Hirobumi's Constitution drew most heavily from that of _________.

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. Much of Ito's Constitution was aimed at preserving the traditions of Japan's Confucian society, chief among them the concept of kokutai, or _________, reflecting Japan's unique unbroken line of emperors and their familial and spiritual bond and the Japanese people.

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. Two major political parties rose to prominence in Japan by the turn of the turn of the twentieth century, the Kenseito, or Liberal, Party (later re-established as the Minseito), and the more powerful Seiyukai, or _________.

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. In addition to creating an industrial base and constitutional government, Meiji Japan's rulers also attempted to curb practices in Japan that were believed to offend foreign sensibilities as part of its program of _________.

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. As part of this new program, all but one of the following socio-cultural changes were initially mandated by the government:

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