Quiz Content

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. Both the American and French Revolutions were outgrowths of the _________and the later Enlightenment.

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. In retaliation for the defiant actions in Boston Harbor, Britain imposed the so-called _________, also known as the "Intolerable Acts" in colonial North America, which put Massachusetts into effective bankruptcy.

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. Although affirming the concept that the equality of all "men" was "self-evident," the Declaration of Independence tacitly excluded the _________of all Americans who were Black slaves and the roughly half who were women, as well as Native Americans.

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. Regarding the newly independent North American republic, which of the following statements is not accurate?

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. After supplying the American colonists with money, arms, and officers, in 1778-1779, in alliance with _________, France declared war on Great Britain.

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. In the peace negotiations concluding the American War of Independence, France incurred _________, an obligation which it ultimately was unable to meet, thus setting in motion one of the underlying causes for the outbreak of the French Revolution.

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. What did Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès believe the Third Estate stood for, in his pamphlet entitled "What is the Third Estate?"

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. _____________ invented a machine which could behead a victim "painlessly", and he later changed his own name to elude association with its use.

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. he French section of Hispaniola produced nearly_________ the world's coffee and sugar at the time of the French Revolution.

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. ______________ eventually became strong enough to assume control of Saint-Domingue after the slave rebellion.

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. The Louisiana Purchase took place ___________ the Haitian Revolution.

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. Denis Diderot's most important contribution to the Enlightenment was to assemble all the latest scientific and philosophical thinking into the _________.

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. In his Social Contract, and to the consternation of French radicals, Jean-Jacques Rousseau espoused the notion that humans _________.

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. In contrast to Rousseau's traditional Christian ethics, _________sought to build morality on transcendent reason and thus came to the conclusion that his morality had to be erected on the basis of the categorical imperative.

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. Building on the philosophical assumption of the material state of nature, the so-called physiocrats argued that freedom and equality should be the standard economic principles and that the state should adopt a _________, or "hands-off", policy in that regard.

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. The identity of the French nation, as it developed out of the French Revolution, is based in:

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. Austria's Prime Minister Prince Klemens von Metternich, an opponent of constitutional nationalism, in an effort to reinstitute the right of kings and emperors to rule by divine grace, persuaded the Congress of Vienna to formulate two new principles: _________.

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. The Congress of Vienna restored the French Bourbon monarchy with the coronation of King _________, the brother of Louis XVI.

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. After the American Civil War, a period of unification ensued during which Southern states were occupied by federal troops in order to enforce the new policies of _________.

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. The most systematic of the so-called idealist philosophers in Germany, ______________ asserted that all thought proceeded dialectically from the "transcendental ego" to matter and from there to the spiritualized synthesis of nature.

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. For French philosopher Auguste Comte, world history was arranged into three successive stages, theological, metaphysical and scientific, the last stage representing the advances and progress ushered in by the sciences, which he saw as a positive stage. Hence Comte's philosophy's was labeled _________.

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