Quiz Content

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. ___________ was an African empire during the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries:

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. The following order is correct:

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. Some Catholic monks in the kingdom of Kongo denounced ngangas as:

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. In the opening vignette of the chapter, Dona Beatriz is portrayed as all of the following EXCEPT:

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. The long-range impact of a Muslim invasion of northern Sub-Saharan Africa in the sixteenth century:

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. All of the following are true of Songhay EXCEPT:

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. The Hausa kingdoms:

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. In South Central Africa (on the southern side of the rainforest, the eastern part of the southern savanna, and the Great Lakes area of Central Africa):

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. After 1434, the following discovery accelerated European contacts with the African west coast:

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. All of the following were true of Ethiopia in the 15th and 16th centuries EXCEPT:

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. All of the following statements are true of the Portuguese interaction or contacts in West Africa EXCEPT:

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. Trade between Europeans and Africans during the period 1500 to 1800:

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. All of the following is true of the trade between Portuguese mariners and the kingdom of Benin EXCEPT:

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. All of the following are true of the Dutch in Africa EXCEPT:

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. All of the following are true of the system of slavery in the Americas EXCEPT:

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. The United States Supreme Court "Dred Scott Decision" ruled:

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. "Presentism" is

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. All of the following are true of the Americas soon after the Spanish arrived EXCEPT:

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. The average life span of a sugar plantation slave is estimated to have been:

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. "Mercantilism" is a political/economic theory that holds that:

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. All of the following is true of indentured laborers EXCEPT:

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. The first slaves sold in the English colonies of North America were:

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. All of the following is true of the Carolina colony EXCEPT:

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. All of the following were important economically in the Carolinas EXCEPT:

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. The only founder of an English colony in North America who lived to see it become part of the United States was:

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. One of the ports that benefited most from the slave trade was:

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. "Creole" cultures emerge:

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. Between the years 1492 and 1888:

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